Clinical 13: Peripheral Neurovascular exam Flashcards
What is a good way to remember what to do in a peripheral neurovascular exam?
I Saw Two People Riding Camels Slowly
Inspection, Special Tests, Tone, Power, Reflexes, Co-ordination, Sensation (light, pain, proprio and vibration)
What should you look for in general inspection of a patients are the starts of a peripheral nerve examination?
Facial expression, alterness
Loss of muscle bulk
Abnormal movements
What special tests are performed in the upper limb part of the PNE?
Hold arms out straight, eyes shut:
Check for psueodarthiritis with palms down, protonartor drift with palms up
Rebound : push arm down, watch for overcompensation
What special tests should be perfomed in the lower limb part of the PNA?
Gat - normal, heel-toe, tiptoes, heel-walking
Rombergs test - proprioceptive loss (feet together close eyes, stand still, support with hand on either side)
What are the different types of patholigical tone in the PNE?
Claps knife spacticity - increased tone associated with UMNL
Lead pipe rigidity - hypteronia associated with Parkinsons disease
Cogwheel rigidity = a combination of led pipe rigidity and superimposed tremor.
What is tested for tone in the lower limb PNE?
Pastry roll
Heel flick / leg lift
Clonus (<5 beats is abnormal)
What scale should power be graded against?
What are the different grades?
0-5 on the MRC scale
0 - no contraction
1 - flicker of contraction
2 - active movement with gravity eliminated
3 - active movement against gravity
4 - active movement against gravity and resistance
5 - normal power.
What different motions should be tested for power in the upper limb?
Shoulder - abduction and adduction
Elbow - flexion and extension
Wrist - flexion and extension
Fingers - abduction, adduction and extension
Thumb abduction
What different movements for power should be tested in the lower limb exam in PNE?
Hip - flexion and extension
Knee - flexion and extension
Ankle - dorsiflexion and plantar flexion, inversion and eversion
Big toe dorsiflexion
What reflexes are tested in the upper limb?
What are the associated nerve routes?
Biceps jerk = C5,6
Triceps jerk = C7
Supinator (brachioradialis) = C6
(Finger jerk = C8) - occurs during biceps or supinator
What are the different reflexes tested in the lower limb neurovascular exam?
What are the associated nerve routes?
Adductor reflex: L3
Knee jerk : L3,L4
Ankle jerk: S1,S2
Plantar reflex : S1,S2.
How do you test coordination in the upper limb?
Finger-nose test (Vary the target)
Rapid alternating movement (slappy hands)
How do you test co-ordination in the lower limb examination?
Heel-shin test
Tap feet against my hands as fast as possible.
How do you assess sensation in the upper/lower limb?
Test each dermatomes for:
Light touch - cotton wool
Pin-prick - neurotip
Vibration - tuning fork
Proprioception - moving distal phalanx up/down
What notation is used to classify the different tendon reflexes?
+++ hyperactive
++ normal
+ sluggish
± only with reinforcement
- absent