Clinic - Outpatients Flashcards
What classifies as dependence?
3 or more of the following:
- Strong desire or compulsion
- Difficulty stopping or controlling levels
- Physiological withdrawal
- Tolerance
- Neglecting pleasures or interests
- Persistant use despite evidence of harm
What are the withdrawal symptoms/signs of opiates
What are the detox regimes for opiates?
What do you give for an OD?
Methadone or buprenoprhine
What is the screening tool for alcohol dependance?
Do you ever feel you should Cut down?
Do you get Angry when someone questions your drinking
Do you ever feel Guilty about your intake?
Do you ever need an Eye opener?
2 or more needs further investigation
How do you work out units?
Strength (ABV) x volume (ml) ÷ 1,000 = units.
What are the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal?
What is Delirium Tremens (DT)
How do you treat it?
Rapid confusion about 72 hours after alcohol withdrawal, characteristically hallucinations/paranoia/confusion and things crawling on skin
Treat with benzos
What is Wernickes encephalopathy?
How do you treat?
Thiamine deficienly in alcoholics. Characteristically causes:
- Ataxia
- Confusion
- Opthalmoplegia (nystagmus mainly)
Treat with thiamine
What is Korsakoffs?
Untreated W.E leads to retrograde and anterograde memory loss
What are the regimes for alcohol detox?
Chlordiazepoxide + pabrinex (5-10 days)
Front loading diazepam + pabrinex (2 days)
After can give:
Antabuse, Baclofen and suppoer