Clin: Skin Changes Flashcards
What conditions present with a diffuse maculopapular rash?

- prodrome: 7-18 days after exposure; includes fever, cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, koplik spots
- rash: 3-4 days after prodrome onset; face –> down/out; lasts 3-5 days

- Rash: duration 2-3 days, face–> down
- fetal malformation with congenital infection

- Rash: slapped cheek, circumoral pallor
- S/s: little fever, pruritis, malaise, HA
- common cause of myocarditis in kids; transient aplastic crisis/pure RBC aplasia; premature labor/hydrops fetalis/fetal loss; can mimic SLE In middle age pt due to symmetric polyarthritis

Lyme Disease:
S/s: rash, HA, stiff neck, arthraligias
Rash: bull’s eye, erythema migrans
Stage 1: erythema migrans within 1 wk of bite; viral like illness (myalgias, arthraligas, HA, fatigue, maybe fever)
Stage 2: early disseminated infection (wks to mo later); secondary skin lesins (sim to primary, but smaller); myopericarditis, heart block, neoro probs, conjunctivits…
Stage 3: late persisten infection (mo to yr later); arthritis, neuro probs, acrodermatitis chronicum atrophicans

Incubation period: 30-50 days
S/S: malaise, fever, sore throat, palatal petechiae, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, maculopapular rash (occassionally); transient b/l upper lid edema (Hoagland Sign)

What conditions present with peripheral skin eruptions?

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever:
- Location: NC, SC, TN, OK, AR
- Incubation period: 2-14 days
- Rash: faint macule that grows in size, spread extremeties inward

secondary symphilis: diffuse, macular, papular, pustular rash

What causes HFMD?

What causes desquamative skin changes?

S/S: abrupt onset of fever, V, watery diarrhea; diffuse macular erythematous rash and non purlent conjunctivitis, desquamation

Scarlet Fever
exudative pharyngitis, fever, scarlatiniform rash

Erythema Multiforme

Rash: face –> trunk; lesions at diff stages

Rash: flaccid blister, pruritic, painful, spread to periphery
What’s the classic triad of gonoccemia?
triad: dermatitis, migratory polyarthritis, tenosynovitis

What is the pentad of TTP?



Which of the ABCDEs is most important?