Clin Med-heent Flashcards
Smaller and more widely spaced than normal and notched on their biting surface
Sides of the teeth tapered toward the biting edges.
Upper central incisors permanent most often affected
Hutchinson’s teeth in congenital syphilis
Red purple papules form in the gingival interdental papillae and sometimes on the fingers
Red and soft painless, and bleed easily
Occur in 1-5% pregnancies
Regress after delivery
Pregnancy tumor (pregnancy epulis/pyogenic granuloma)
Gums enlarged by hyperplasia are swollen into heaped up masses that may even cover the teeth.
Gingival hyperplasia
A process that ccur in elderly and
Chewing surfaces of the teeth are worn down by repetitive use so that yellow brown dentin be exposed
Attrition of teeth
Uncommon form of gingivitis occurs suddenly in adolescents and young adults Ulcers develop in interdental papillae Presence of grayish pseudomembrane Red painful gums bleed easily Vincent's infection
Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Common in teens and young adults
Red and swollen and interdental papillae are blunted
Plaque can cause this
Marginal gingivitis
Thickened white patch, persistent painless in oral mucosa, undersurface of the tongue.
Benign reactive process
Small red spots caused by blood that escapes from capillaries into the tissues
Caused by accidentally biting the cheek
Early sign of measles (rubeola).
White specks like grains of salt
Appear on buccal mucosa near 1st and 2nd molar
Koplik’s spots
Normal sebaceous glands that appear as small yellowish spots in the buccal mucosa or on the lips
Fordyce spots (fordyce granules)
Midline bony growth in the hard palate common in adults
Harmless, size and lobulation vary
Torus palatinus
Deep purple color with low grade vascular tumor assoc. with HV 8
Raised or flat
Kaposi’s sarcoma in aids
Yeast infection from candida species.
Thick white plaques in the mouth
Due to prolonged tx w/ antibiotics or corticosteroids and AIDS
Thrush on the palate
Acute infection caused by corynebacterium rare but impt
Throat is dull, red and gray exudate present on uvula, pharynx and tongue
Red throat has white exudate on the tonsils
With fever and and enlarged cervical nodes
By gr A strepto infection
Exudative tonsilitis
Normal tonsils large but not infected esp in children
Protrude medially beyond pillars and even to midline
Color is pink
Large normal tonsils
Affects lower lip
Appear as scaly plaque, an ulcer with or without crust
Caused by Prolonged exposure to sun
Carcinoma of the lip
May resemble a carcinoma or crusted cold sore
Ulcerated papule w/indurated edge
From treponema pallidum
Painless, npnsuppurative and heal in 3-6 weeks
Chancre of primary syphilis
Small pgmented brown spots in dermal layer of lips, buccal mucosa
Autosomal dominant syndrome
Peutz-jeghers syndrome
Mutiple small red spots on the lips
Autosomal dominant endothelial disorder causing vascular fragility and AVMs
Nosebleed, GIT bleeding iron deficiency anemia are common
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (osler weber rendu syndrome)
Localized subcutaneous or submucosal swelling caused by leakage of intravascular fluid into interstitial space
Benign and resolve within 24-48 hours
Recurrent and painful vesicular eruptions of lips and surrounding skin
Presence of small cluster of vesicles
Herpes simplex (cold sore, fever blister)
Excessive exposure to sunlight And affects primarily lower lip
Lips lose its redness and become scaly, thickened and slightly everted
Actinic cheilitis
Softening of skin at the angles of mouth followed by fissuring
Due to nutritional def or overclosure of the mouth
Angular cheilitis
Painful hemorrhage vesicles in tympanic membrane, ear canal or both
Earache, blood tinged discharge and conductive hearing loss
Caused by mycoplasma, viral and otitis media
Bullous myringitis
Caused by s. Pneumoniae
Eardrum reddens, loses its landmark and bulges laterally
Conductive hearing loss
Acute otitis media with purulent effusion
Caused by viral upper respiratory infections or sudden change in atmospheric pressure
Eustachian tibe cannot equalize pressure in middle and outside ear
Amber fluid in eardrum
Serous effusion
Large chalky white patch with irregular margins
Depositionof hyaline material within the layer of tympanic membrane
Healed perforation and signs of retracted drum
Holes in th eardrum from purulent infections of the middle ear.
With central and marginal types.
Perforation of the drum
Features of normal eardrum
Color pinkish gray
Malleus lies behind the upper part of the drum
Above short process lies the pars flaccida
Remainder of the drum is pars tensa
From umbo, bright cone of light
One of th most common symptoms in clinical practice
Most common type of headache, occurring to 70% of patients
Enumerate primary headache
Migraine, cluster, tension, chronic daily headaches
Thunderclap headache reaching maximal intensity over several minutes
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Preceded by sentinel leak headache from vascular leak into subarachnoid space
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Most important attributes of headache
Severity and chronological pattern
What type of headache is considered if severe and sudden onset
Subarachnoid hemorrhage or meningitis
Type/s of headache that is/are episodic and tend to peak over several hours
Migraine and tension headache
New and persisting, progressively severe headaches
Tumor, abscess or mass lesion
Unilateral headache can be seen in?
Migraine and cluster headache
Headache arise from temporal areas
Tension headache
Headache Arises from retroorbital area/ behind your eyes
Cluster headache
Symptoms common in migraine
Nausea and vomiting
True or False. Vomiting and nausea are also common in brain tumor and subarachnoid hemorrhage.
True or false. Approx 60-70% of patients with cluster headache have a symptom of prodrome prior to onset. (Prodrome: euphoria, craving for food, fatigue, dizziness)
False. Should be migraine
T/F. Genetic inheritance appears to be not present in patients with migraine.
Difficulty looking with near/close objects
Hyperopia (farsighted)
Aging vision
Difficulty in looking far objects
Myopia (nearsighted)
Sudden unilateral visual loss that is painless
Vitreous hemorrhage from diabetes or trauma, macular degeneration, retinal detachment, retinal vein occlusion or central artery occlusion
If painful sudden unilateral visual loss causes are
Cornea and anterior chamber in corneal ulcer, uveitis,traumatic hyphema and acute glaucoma, optic neuritis from MS
Bilateral and painless medication that change refraction
Cholinergic, anticholinergic and steroids
If bilateral and painful that change refraction
Chemical or radiation exposures
Onset of bilateral visual loss gradual?
From cataracts or macualr degeneratio
Presence of slow central loss
Nuclear cataract and macular degeneration
Peripheral loss of vision seen in?
Advanced open angle glaucoma
One sided loss of vision seen in?
Hemianopsia and quandrantic defects
Moving specks or strands in the vision can be seen in?
Vitreous floaters
Called as fixed defects or scotomas have lesion on
Retina or visual pathways
Presence of flashing lights or new vitreous floaters
Detachment of vitreous from retina
Seen in lesions in the brainstem or cerebellum or weakness of EOM
Lesion from palsy of cranial nerve 3 or 6
Horizontal diplopia
Lesion from palsy of CN 3 or 4
Vertical diplopia
Diplopia (double vision) in one eye, with the other closed there is a problem in?
Cornea or lens
Hearing loss may be due to what factors?
Congenital, from single mutations
Hearing impairment that have trouble in understanding speech , often complaining thats others mumble , noisy envts make hearing worse
Sensorineural loss
Hearing impairment that noisy envts may help
Conductive hearing loss
Conductive hearing loss problems in?
External or middle ear
Sensorineural loss problems in?
Inner ear, cochlear nerve
Medications that affect hearing are:
Aminoglycosides, aspirin, NSAIDS, quinine and furosemide
What part of the ear that usually pain occur?
External canal in otitis externa and if respiratory infection in otitis media
Features of acute or chronic otitis media
Presence of unusual soft wax, debris from inflammation, or rash in ear canal
A perceived sound, that has no external stimulus commonly a musical ringing or rushing or roaring noise, in one or both ears
Common complaints in the ear
May accompany hearing loss, increasing frequency with age.
Associated with hearing loss and vertigo seen in
Meniere’s disease
Refers to the Perception that the patient or envt is rotating or spinning
Vertigo problem in what part of the ear?
Labyrinths of the inner ear, peripheral lesions of CN 8 or central pathway lesions
Sensation of true rotational movement of the patient or the surroundings
Condition that you feel to fall or pass out
Condition of feeling unsteady or losing balance
Refers to drainage from the nose, and often associated with nasal congestion ( sense of stuffiness or obstruction)
Nasal congestion causes
Viral infections, allergic rhinitis(hay fever) and vasomotor rhinitis
Seasonal onset or envtal triggers
Allergic rhinitis
Excessive use of decongestants or use of cocaine
Drug-induced sinusitis
Drugs that may induce stuffiness
Oral contraceptives, reserpine, guanethidine, alcohol, cocaine
T/F. Acute bacterial sinusitis is unlikely viral URI symptoms persist more than 7 days. Both purulent drainage and facial pain are present
Called Bleeding from nasal passages
Origin of the bleeding nose
Paranasal sinuses or nasopharynx
Local causes of epistaxis
Trauma (nose picking), inflammation, drying
Patient coughed up or vomited blood
Hematemesis and hemoptysis
Medication that can cause epistaxis
NSAIDS, anticoagulants
A frequent complaint,usually associated with acute URI.
Sorethroat or pharyngitis
Most often caused by gingivitis
Bleeding gums
Refers to change in voice quality, described as husky,rough, harsh, lower pitched than usual
Causes of acute hoarseness
Voice overuse
Acute viral laryngitis
Enlarged lymph nodes commonly accompany what condition
Condition that has cold intolerance, preference for warm clothing and many blankets and sweating is decrease