Clin Lab Test 2 Flashcards
What findings might you find on a CBC with Chronic Leukemia?
High WBC count
What findings might you find on a CBC with Acute Leukemia?
Low WBC count
What disease might you find Auer Rods?
Acute Myeloid Leukemia
What disease might you find Reed-Sternberg cells?
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
How do you diagnose Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?
With a biopsy.
What tests are included in the CBC?
WBC, RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, Red Cell indicies (MCV, MCH, MCHC), Platelet Count, RDW, Mean Platelet Volume
List the clotting factor disorders.
Hemophilia A, B, C
What factors are affected in Hemophilia A?
Factor VIII
What factors are affected in Hemophilia B?
Factor IX
What pathway do Hemophilias affect?
The intrinsic pathway - APTT
What pathway does vonWillebran affect?
Neither! It works on platelets
What tests will be abnormal in vonWillebran?
Could all be normal, but bleeding time could be long.
What is the most common bleeding disorder?
What labs will be affected with Intrinsic Factor Deficiencies?
APTT will be high
What factors are affected with Intrinsic Factor Deficiencies?
What factors are affected with Extrinsic Factor Deficiencies?
What labs will be affected by Coumadin therapy?
What labs will be affected by Heparin therapy?
APTT will be high
Factor X should be decreased
An increase in RDW shows what?
Recent change, such as new disease process, treatment
What are the 4 classes of thalassemias?
A Thalassemia Trait
Hemoglobin H
B Thalassemia Minor
B Thalassemia Major
Which class of Thalassemia is heterozygous?
B Thalassemia Minor
Which class of Thalassemia is homogenous?
B Thalassemia Major
How is A Thalassemia Trait defined?
Missing 2 of 4 alpha genes
How is Hemoglobin H Thalassemia defined?
Missing 3 of 4 alpha genes
What is the definitive diagnosis for Aplastic Anemia?
Bone Marrow Biopsy
What are the causes of Aplastic Anemia?
Autoimmune disorders, Malignancy
What are signs of Hemolytic anemias?
Increased Reticulocyte count
Increased bilirubin
In what group of people will you see G6PD most often?
Black Males
What drugs trigger G6PD?
Sulfa, Bactrim, nitrofuantoin
What causes most sickle cell patients to end up in the ER?
Pain Crisis
What causes pain crisis in sickle cell patients?
Ischemia from a clot
How to you treat severe pain crisis?
Hydroxeuria - helps the body to make more hemoglobin F
What may cause a deficiency in vitamin B12?
gastric bypass, intestinal resection, diet, lack of intrinsic factor, Chrone’s disease, Pernicious anemia (autoimmune against the parietal cells)
What is the difference between B12 deficiency and Folate deficiency?
Lack of neurological symptoms
What will the CBC look like with a patient with polycythemia vera?
High everything!
What are signs of polycythemia vera?
Itchy, dark skin, headache, vertigo
What is the treatment of polycythemia vera?
Blood letting, phlebotomy
What is the universal donor blood type?
O neg
What is the universal receiver blood type?
AB pos
What is the universal plasma donor?
AB pos
What is the universal plasma receiver?
O neg
What blood group is most common in whites?
What blood group is most common in blacks?
When should RBCs be administered?
Low hemoglobin ( less than 7 g/dL)
Acute blood loss
Transfusion is unnecessary with Hgb greater than 10 g/dL
Intermediate levels based on organ ischemia, potential/ongoing bleeding, intravascular status, pt risk factor for complications of low oxygenation
When should FFP be administered?
Urgent reversal of Warfarin therapy.
Correction of known coagulation factor deficiencies when specific correlates are unavailable.
Correction of microvascular bleeding with increased PT or APTT.
Antithrombin III deficiency
Tx of immunodeficiencies
Tx of TTP
When should Platelets be administered?
Prophylactic in surgery patients with <50,000
Known platelet dysfunction, microvascular bleeding
When should Cryoprecipitate be administered?
Tx for factor VIII deficiency, Hemophilia A, Fibrinogen deficiencies
What is TRALI?
Noncardiogenic form of pulmonary edema associated with blood product administration. Clinical appearance is similar to ARDS. Bilateral infiltrates on CXR.
Tx: supportive