Clin. Lab. Laws Flashcards
Act- Rules&Regulations Governing the Establishment, Operations and Maintenance of Clin. Lab in Phils
AO 59 s. 2001
Act -Redirecting the Functions and Operations of the DOH
EO 102 series 1999
Revised Rules and Regulations Governing the licensure and Regulation of Clin. Lab. in Phils
AO 27 s. 2007
Inspection of lab within _____ days after filing application
60 days
Expiration of license
Every last day of December
What section stated expiration of license of Clin. Labs?
Section 17
Renewal of license every?
In what section does it is stated?
Last 2 months of the year
Section 18
The central government authorized to regulate the Clin. labs
Who formulates rules and regulations of Clin. labs
Secretary of DOH
What section is the definition of terms stated?
Section 4
Panic values that needs for some corrective actions
Critical values
What do you mean by EQAP?
External Quality Assurance Program
Checklist used by regulatory officer
Inspection Tool
This is called the series of tests on patients
Monitoring Examinations
NRL for confirmatory testing of blood units
RITM - Research Institute for Tropical Medicine
NRL for HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted disease
SLH - San Lazaro Hospital
NRL for Toxicology and Micronutrient Assay
East Avenue Medical Center
NRL for Hematology and Immunohemetology
NKTI - Nat’l Kidney and Transplant Institute
NRL for Biochemistry
Lung Center of the Phil’s.
Any testing site that performs lab exams outside the physical confines of the base lab
Satellite Testing site
Classification by ownership
Classification by Function
Clinical pathology
Anatomic pathology
Classification by Institutional Character
Institution based
Free standing
What article classifies the clinical laboratories?
Article V
Penalty of lab without license (years of imprisonment and fine)
What article?
Imprisonment not less than 1 month
Fine < 1,000 but no > 5,000
Article 11
Any Clin. Lab should have at least ____. Medtechs
Reporting should be consultations bet.____ and _____ of lab
What section?
Physicians and pathologist
Section 12