Climatology Flashcards
Cooler latitudes
Latitudes found outside of the tropics from 23.5° to 90° North and South.
The process in which water vapour is cooled and turns into liquid water.
Vertical movement of air.
The horizontal inflow of two different air masses towards a low pressure zone.
Coriolis effect
A force which causes a body that moves freely with respect to the rotating Earth to veer to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the
southern hemisphere.
A cross-section shows the shape of a feature, viewed from the side.
A dense towering vertical cloud associated with thunderstorms and atmospheric instability, forming from water vapour carried by powerful upward air currents.
Divergence occurs when air is directed away from a particular location in different directions.
The process in which liquid water is turned into water vapour.
Area of calm in the centre of a tropical cyclone
Tropical cyclones are known by this name in the Atlantic Ocean
The physical structures and facilities (e.g., buildings, roads, and power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
Incoming short-wave radiation.
Latent heat
(“hidden heat”) Heat energy that is released when water changes state.
Mature stage
The stage of a Tropical cyclone where pressure is at about 950hPa. The cyclone has a central eye surrounded by a vortex of swirling clouds and hurricane strength winds.
Pressure gradient
The force producing air flow from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure.
Storm surge
The piling up of water against a coast caused by strong on-shore winds
Tropical cyclones are known by this name in the Pacific Ocean
Tropical easterly winds
Warm, moist winds that blow from the east towards the west. They originate from the Subtropical high pressure belt and flow towards the Equatorial low
pressure belt.
The area in a tropical cyclone that surrounds central eye. Dramatic uplift of moist air occurs here creating huge cumulonimbus clouds. Torrential rain and hurricane strength winds characterise the vortex.