Climate Changw Human Activity Flashcards
The natural greenhouse effect ia essential for
Keeping our planet warm
Gases in the atmosphere naturally act like an insulating layer - they let short wave radiation in but trap long wave rasiation, helping to keep the temperature right.This is called the
Greenhouse effect
There’s a scientific consensus that human activities are causing global warming by mking the
Greenhouse effect stronger.This is called the enhanced greenhouse effect.Too much greenhouse gas in the atmosphere means too much energy is trapped and the planet warms up
How does farming contribute to global warming
Farming of cattle produces a lot of methane.
Rice paddies contribute to global farming because flooded fields emit methane.
Trees absorb CO2 .When land is cleared of trees for agriculture it stops the absorption of CO2 which leaves more CO2 in the atmoshphere
How does energy contribute to global warming
CO2 is released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas are burnt.
How does transport contribute to global warming
Most cara, lorries and plnes run on fossil fuels which release greenhouse gases when burnt.
Car ownership is rapidly increasing in countries which are developing.This mwans there are more cars on the road.This increases congestionn.As a result car engines are running for longer so the amount of greenhouse gases released increases