Climate Change International Legal Regime Flashcards
What is the UNFCCC?
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
When was the UNFCCC…
a) adopted?
b) entered into force?
a) 1992
b) 1994
What is the objective of the UNFCCC?
To stabilise GHG concentrations, allowing ecosystems to naturally adapt, thus protecting food security whilst enabling sustainable development
What is does ‘COP’ stand for and what is it?
Conference of the Parties
The governing body of the UNFCCC. The Parties are different nations/states around the world.
What are the four main commitments of the Parties?
- Create national inventories of carbon sources and sinks
- Formulate policy to mitigate and adapt to CC
- Sustainably manage ecosystems
- Integrate CC considerations into all economic, environmental and social policy
What are Annex I Parties?
The world’s most developed nations, e.g. us
What two extra commitments must Annex I Parties make? In addition to the four main ones.
- Individually and jointly return their anthropogenic emissions to pre-1990 levels
- Provide financial and technical assistance to non-Annex I Parties (developing nations) and accurately report on it
Name three funds established to transfer money/technology to non-Annex I Parties.
- Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF)
- Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF)
- Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Who is the trustee of the Green Climate Fund (GCF)?
Are they independent or part of the UNFCCC?
The Global Environment Facility (GEF)
They are independent
What was the point of the Kyoto Protocol?
To quantify Annex I Parties’ emissions reductions targets and plan how to meet them
What is the quote that is used to support the Kyoto Protocol?
“A common but differentiated responsibility”
All Parties have a role to play in climate action, but some more so than others
In reference to the Kyoto Protocol, what does ‘CMP’ stand for and what is it?
Meeting of the Parties
The meeting of those Parties under the Kyoto Protocol, i.e. Annex I Parties
What is the difference between COP and CMP?
COP = annual conference of all Parties in the UNFCCC (most countries in the world)
CMP = meeting of the Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (only Annex I Parties, i.e. developed nations)
Regarding the timeline of the Kyoto Protocol, what happened in…
a) 1995
b) 1997
c) 2001
d) 2005
a) A strong political mandate was created at COP1 in Berlin
b) The Kyoto Protocol was added to the UNFCCC at COP3 in Kyoto
c) Tense negotiations were resolved, resulting in the Bonn Agreements and Marrakesh Accords
d) The Kyoto Protocol finally entered into force
What do the Marrakesh Accords provide?
A guide for practical implementation of the Kyoto Protocol