Climate Change & Int Coop: Climate Change Flashcards
Give a rough summary of the science of global warming
Greenhouse (GHGs) absorb infra red radiation from the earth’s surface and atmosphere, which, traps heat that would otherwise radiate into space
Name 3 problematic GHGs
Water vapour
What are the IPCCs findings regarding global warming
Most warming over the last 250 years is likely due to human activity
What are the 2 principle sources of warming?
CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and land clearing
Methane from agriculture (demand for meat)
What 2 things should now be considered, accounting for the fact that humans have already induced some global warming (the effects of which will continue to be felt in future)?
What problems might warming cause for productivity and output?
Above a certain temperature worker productivity drops massively
What issues does the non-linear nature of climate change cause?
Makes it difficult to predict the effects of climate change
Give 6 of the IPCCs projected impacts of climate change
Contracting snow cover / polar sea ice
Sea level rise
Severe impacts to developing countries who have no resources to adapt
Irreversible damage to vulnerable ecosystems
Increased frequency/magnitude of extreme weather events
What potential tipping element is considered to be of immediate concern regarding climate change?
(2 points)
The possibility of the summer Arctic sea ice largely disappearing
(The tipping point is likely to be at less than a 2 degree global temperature increase)
By how much did global CO2 emissions increase between 1990 and 2006?
What is the trend over time of the amount of carbon required to produce $1 of GDP?
(3 points in total)
It is a decreasing trend
i.e. technological efficiency is increasing
However growth increases have overcompensated for this improvement, hence CO2 is still rising
What is the Keeling curve?
Why is it a good indicator
Measure of CO2 levels in Hawaii from 1958 to present
Good measure because it is not located near any significant pollution sources
From what period have temperatures been increasing according to scientific evidence?
From the middle of the industrial revolution
What are the upper and lower limits of projected 2100 temperatures in the IPCCs AR4 model?
1.8 - 3.4 degrees
Give one issue with pollution reduction regarding CO2
There is no price on carbon, hence no incentive to reduce pollution