Climate Change - Greenhouse Effect Flashcards
Is the Greenhouse effect naturally occuring or manmade?
The greenhouse effect is a naturally occurring effect.
What happens to thermal energy in the greenhouse effect?
Thermal energy is trapped in the earths lower atmosphere by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2).
In the greenhouse effect, what percentage of energy is radiated back towards earth?
Energy from the sun bounces off the earth’s surface as some of this energy is absorbed by the gases forming the atmosphere.
Roughly 30% of this absorbed energy is then radiated back towards the earth.
What is the average temperature of the earth due to the greenhouse effect?
This effect causes the earth’s average temperature to be around 15°C.
Without the greenhouse effect, what would the earth’s average temperature be and what would be the effect on animal life?
Without the natural greenhouse effect, the earth’s average temperature would be around -18°C. This would be far too cold to sustain many forms of life.
What is the ‘enhanced greenhouse effect’?
A build of CO2 and other greenhouse gases has led to less heat escaping. This is known as the enhanced Greenhouse Effect and has led to a an increase in average global temperatures and climate change.
What size wavelengths are absorbed by the Earth in the greenhouse effect?
The Earth absorbs the radiation with the short wavelengths and warms up.
What happens to the longer wavelength infrared radiation?
Longer wavelength infrared radiation bounces off the Earth’s surface.