Climate Change Definitions Flashcards
What is weather?
Weather is atmospheric conditions in a particular location over a short period of time.
What is climate?
Climate is a pattern of weather in a region over a long period of time.
What is altitude?
Altitude is the height above sea level.
What is latitude?
Latitude is the distance from the equator.
What is temperature?
Temperature is a physical quantity expressing hot and cold. Temperature is measured with a thermometer.
What is thermal expansion of water?
Thermal expansion of water is one of the contributing factors of the rising of sea levels on earth.
What are greenhouse gases?
Greenhouse gases are gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect.
What are fossil fuels?
Fossil fuels are natural fuels including coal and gas.
What is ozone?
Ozone is created in the atmosphere when the sun’s rays split oxygen molecules into single atoms. These atoms combine with nearby oxygen to form a three-oxygen molecule, called ozone.
What are chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)?
Chlorofluorocarbons attack the ozone and causes it to split.
What is a carbon “sink”?
A carbon sink is an artificial reservoir that stores some carbon-containing chemical.
What is a carbon “footprint”?
The amount of carbon dioxide emitted due to the consumption of fossil fuels.
What is the Greenhouse gas Effect (GHGE)?
The greenhouse effect is the process by which radiation from a planet’s atmosphere warms the planet’s surface to a temperature above what it would be without its atmosphere.
What is CO2?
CO2 is the symbol for carbon dioxide.
What is methane (CH4)?
A colorless, odorless flammable gas that is the main constituent of natural gas.
What is nitrous oxide (NO2)?
A colorless gas with a sweetish odor, prepared by heating ammonium nitrate.
Give 5 examples of the effects of climate change.
Temperature will continue to rise, more droughts and heat waves, changes in precipitation patterns, Arctic likely to become ice free, and hurricanes will grow stronger and more intense.
What are proxy records?
Indirect evidence. Proxy also means climate.
What is a feedback loop?
A cycle of behavior in which two people each act to reinforce the other’s action.
What is a mountain pine beetle?
A mountain pine beetle is a beetle that attacks pines in western North American forests.
What is an ice core?
An ice core is a sample of ice that is drilled in a cylindrical shape that allows scientists to examine what is inside the ice.
What is anthropogenic?
Anthropogenic means originating in human activity.