Climate Change Flashcards
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change:
-International treaty designed to bind nations together to act on climate change
-Aim= “stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”
-Annual conference of the Parties = assess progress of individual countries
-2021: 197 parties including all UN member states and the EU
Kyoto Protocol
1997: 3rd COP meeting in Kyoto Japan aka Kyoto Protocol
-Parties committed to setting binding emissions reduction targets
-First commitment period = 2008-2012
Developed countries obligated to cut their emissions by 5% on 1990 levels
-2012: Emissions of developed countries were 22.6% lower than 1990 levels
-However targets not met by many states
-Us withdrew in 2001
-Australia, Norway, Iceland = plus targets (increase in emissions)
-During Kyoto period emissions from developing countries rose sharply
Paris Agreement
Nov-Dec 2015: 21st conference of the parties (COP21) which led to Paris agreement
-Aim = keep global temperature increase well below 2 degrees and attempt to limit it to 1.5 degrees
-Establish credible reporting of emissions levels
-Review progress towards emission targets every 5 years
-Parties agreed to hold other countries to account
-100 billion a year in climate finances for developing countries by 2020
Outcomes of Paris agreement
-Recognized that immediate action = needed to stop climate change
-Nearly every state agreed to set goals limiting temperature rises
-186/195 parties to the UNFCCC submitted binding reduction targets
-Binding targets for both developed and developing countries
-Covers 96% of global emissions (Kyoto Protocol = 14%)
Glasgow climate pact:
31 Oct- 12 Nov 2021 :26th conference of the parties (COP 26) led to Glasgow climate pact
-Recognized urgency of the challenge to achieve Paris target of 1.5 degrees of warming
-Agreement = Ministers would submit stronger emissions target reduction targets to get back on track to achieve Paris target
-Developed countries should deliver more resources to help climate-vulnerable countries adapt to consequences e.g. dwindling crop yields and devastating storms
-Also aimed to reduce methane emissions, reverse forest loss, ditch internal combustion engine, phase out coal
Outcomes of Glasgow climate pact
-151 countries submitted new climate plans to slash emissions by 2030
-To meet Paris goal, global emissions would need to halve by 2030
-UN estimates that existing plans = world on track for 2.5 degrees warming by the end of the century
-Some large emitter’s targets for 2030 (Australia, China, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Russia lack credible policies to achieve them leading to ‘credibility gap’
Economic developement
Economic development is he process whereby simple, low income national economics are transformed into modern industrial economies and citizens obtain a better standard of living.