climate change Flashcards
1st meeting about environment
Stockholm, Sweden, from June 5 to 16, 1972 and
theme of swedan initiative
only one earth
in 1972 india launched
wild life protection act,indra gandhi
ipcc when formed
IPCC was founded in November 1988,inter govt panel on climae change
WHO formed ,headquater
when was ipcc 1st meeting
when was earth summit formed,where conducted
§ 1992 earth summi,brazil,rio de jenario
what were the 3 documents released
1reo declaration and environment
2agenda 21
orest riniples
what were the 2 teraty signed in earth summit
un framework on cc,un convention on cc
when andwhere COP1 conducted
CoP 1: Berlin 1995,germany
: Kyoto protocol
COP3 1997,japan
which was COP meeting conducted in india
CoP 13 : Bali 2007 REDD
reducing emmision from deforestton and degradation
green climate fund idea raised in which meeting
COP16,: Cancun 2010 GCF,mexico