Climate Change Flashcards
What is Climate Chnage
Change in weather temperature from the typical/average weather of a city
Include the change in a regions average annual rainfall
What happening to our earth in terms of climate change?
Earth’s climate has been warming at a faster rate.
Average temperature rose more than 1 fah, 0.6 celsius in the past 100 years.
These small changes affect the earth average temps
What are some natural causes to climate change?
Change in Earth’s Orbit
Energy coming from the sun increases
Meteorite impacts
volcanic eruptions
Are the most recent climate changes caused by natural cause?
No. Most of the warming was due to burning of coal, oil and gas that started in 1950s
THese burns adds heat trapping gases such as CO2, methane, Greenhouse gases (GHG)
What are some simple extreme changes in climate changes?
Simple Extremes are where there is a higher max temperature = more hot days = heat waves
Higher min temperature = few cold days = frost days = cold waves.
Intensive precipitation events.
example of bc current situation.
What are some complex extreme changes in climate changes?
Increased drying in the sumer across mid-latitudes.
Assosicate with the risk of drought
Increase cyclone/hurricane peak. Increase peak wind intensity, mean and peak preciptiation
How does extremes affect us?
increase risks to:
- human life
- infectious disease
- epidemics (COVID)
- coastal erosion, damage to coastal buidling
- damage to coastal ecosystems, such as coral reefs and mangroves
What are the two chemical components that make up the atmosphere?
N2 , O2, Nitrogen and Oxygen.
They make up 99% of the dry atmosphere.
What is
1) troposphere
2) stratosphere
3) mesosphere
4) thermosphere
From earth to outerspace.
1) troposphere
- up 20 km elevation, decrease temperature with higher altitude. (mount everest)
2) stratosphere
- up to 50km in elevation (planes) - increases tempeature with higher alitutude.
3) mesosphere
85km elevation of space (meteors) - decrease temperature in altitude.
4) thermosphere
690km, increase temp, the outer spaaaaaace
What is happening to our global temperature?
Increases each year.
2015 showed the highest tempeature. 2021 is porb the highest now.
Rising at an exponent rate
How does Greenhouse affect climate change?
Greenhouse effect is a natural warming process. There is
- CO2 fossil fuel,
- CO2 Forestry
- CH4 methane,
- N2O oxide,
- F Fluorinate Gases present in the atmosphere. These gas create a warming effect which increases temperature.
Increase amount of GHG = Increase heat
How is ocean affected by climate change?
Ocean takes up 70% of the earth surface. They are warming up slowly due to their capabity to retain heat from current distributed around the globeb.
50x more carbon are stored in the ocean
GHG affects the ocean by acification, rising sea level, changes oceans’ circulation.
What is Radiation Balance?
When GHG gases absorb wavelengths LONGER than 4micrometers , the process of absorption heats the atmosphere which radiates back to space, and then back to earth. THis process is the radiation balance.
It acts like a thermal blanket over the globe which raises the earth’s surface temperature beyond the temperature calculated.
how many micrometers would there for a clear skey outgoing radiation?
Absorption band is between 9.5-10.6 associated with ozone
What gas absorbs the most thermal raidiation?
Water vapour
How many absorption in micrometer does CO2 have?
strongest absorption at 15 micrometer
What can we do about climate change?
Implement Best Management Practices BMP
- strategies to reduce human impact on environemnt
- implementing BMPS reduce humans contribution to climate change