Client-Specific Questions Flashcards
What additional information do you need to establish a strategy for using their inheritance and pensions to fund early retirement? (12)
(1) Their intended retirement age
(2) Their income and capital requirements
(3) Their preference for guaranteed or flexible income
(3) Their state pension entitlement
(4) Their plans for Linda’s inheritance
(5) Their willingness to pay off their mortgage early
(6) Their willingness to use investments for retirement income
(7) Their willingness to use their ISA allowances
(8) Details on their existing pensions
(9) Their pension contribution history
(10) Their employer’s willingness to operate SS
(11) Whether they have made pension nominations
(12) Whether they expect further inheritance
Describe the process you would follow when assessing whether their existing assets are adequate to provide a target retirement income (9)
(1) Establish their objectives and priorities
(2) Calculate the fund needed to provide their target income
(3) Project their existing pensions to their retirement age
(4) Incorporate their state pensions
(5) Incorporate their other assets
(6) Allow for PCLS withdrawals in case they are required
(7) Incorporate ongoing charges
(8) Calculate the shortfall
(9) Review the financial plan regularly
What steps should they take to meet their retirement objectives (7)
(1) Maximise pension contributions
(2) Use SS to reduce income subject to HR tax
(3) Order state pension forecasts
(4) Review the funds within their existing pensions
(5) Diversify their existing pension portfolio
(6) Consolidate their pensions within their workplace schemes
(7) Review their pension arrangements regularly
Justify a recommendation to increase their pension contributions and use SS (9)
(1) They have surplus income
(2) They will achieve a larger retirement income
(3) They will benefit from pound-cost averaging
(4) The will benefit from tax-free growth
(5) The survivor will receive tax-free income if they die before 75
(6) Their income will be flexible via drawdown
(7) They will receive tax relief at their highest marginal rate
(8) They will reduce their income subject to HR tax
(9) They will reduce their income tax and NIC liability
Explain why Steve’s UK Mixed Bond fund may or may not be suitable as he approaches retirement (7)
(1) It offers limited capital growth potential
(2) It is not diversified
(3) It is exposed to inflation risk
(4) It is exposed to default risk
(5) Interest rates will affect bond prices
(6) It offers protection against falling annuity rates
(7) A high-yield bond may match his ATR
Explain why Linda’s UK Cautious Managed fund may or may not be suitable as she approaches retirement (10)
(1) It offers limited capital growth potential
(2) It is not diversified
(3) It does not match her ATR
(4) Its bond content is exposed to inflation risk
(5) Its bond content is exposed to default risk
(6) Its bond content offers protection against falling annuity rates
(7) Interest rates will affect its bond content
(8) Its cautious mandate offers protection against market downturn
(9) It benefits from active management
(10) She is already invested in UK equities
Explain why Steve’s default managed fund may or may not be suitable as he approaches retirement (4)
(1) It is likely to match his ATR
(2) It likely offers good growth potential
(3) It benefits from active management
(4) It is likely to be inexpensive
Explain why Linda’s UK equity fund may or may not be suitable as she approaches retirement (5)
(1) It does not match her ATR
(2) It is not diversified
(3) It will not offer protection against falling annuity rates
(4) It will not offer protection against a market downturn
(5) She is already invested in UK equities
Explain the benefits of diversifying their portfolio (3)
(1) It will reduce volatility
(2) It will increase capital growth potential
(3) It will align their portfolio with their ATR
Explain why they should increase their regular contributions and not simply invest lump sums (8)
(1) It will encourage savings discipline
(2) They have surplus income
(3) They will benefit from pound-cost averaging
(4) They will not have to consider market timing
(5) It will offset the risk of their growth funds
(6) They can reduce or cease their contributions if they need to
(7) SS is tax-efficient
(8) SS requires less administration
Explain the factors they should consider when deciding their retirement age (9)
(1) The income and capital required in retirement
(2) Their preference for flexible or guaranteed income
(3) Their health and longevity
(4) Their existing assets and liabilities
(5) Their ATR
(6) Their state pension entitlement
(7) The effects of inflation
(8) The age restrictions of pension freedoms
(9) The outcome of their adviser’s cashflow analysis
Justify a recommendation to invest lump sums into Lisa’s pension and use carry forward to fully utilise her AA (7)
(1) Her current provision is insufficient
(2) It will increase her income in retirement
(3) It will secure tax relief at her highest marginal rate
(4) It will increase the fund benefitting from tax-free growth
(5) Lump sums will allow for precise tax planning
(6) Steve’s income will be tax-free if she dies before 75
(7) Her income will be flexible via drawdown
Justify a recommendation to utilise their ISA allowances, investing in funds suitable for the ATR (5)
(1) ISAs can be used to supplement retirement income
(2) Capital growth and income will be tax-free
(3) It will reduce volatility through diversification
(4) It will increase capital growth potential through diversification
(5) It will allow them to invest in acc units now and inc units later
Justify a recommendation to use Linda’s inheritance to pay off their mortgage in November 2026 (5)
(1) It will simplify their retirement planning
(2) Their current interest rate is competitive
(3) They will secure a better interest rate on savings
(4) Their interest rate may rise after November 2026
(5) The early repayment penalty will be lifted in November 2026
Justify a recommendation to use Linda’s inheritance to hold fixed-term accounts (< £85,000) to utilise future allowances and pay off their mortgage in November 2026 (5)
(1) It will allow for funds to be accessed easily
(2) It will secure the nominal value of their capital until they need it
(3) It will allow them to secure competitive interest rates
(4) It will allow them to protect their capital through FSCS or NS&I
(5) Utilise PSAs
List the factors you should consider when advising them to fund their retirement by purchasing onshore bonds with Linda’s inheritance (11)
(1) Their tax status
(2) Their requirement for tax-deferred withdrawals
(3) Their requirement for tax planning through segmentation
(4) The internal tax of 20% paid on the funds
(5) The chargeable gains subject to income tax rather than CGT
(6) The use of their PSAs
(7) The availability of top-slicing to reduce chargeable gains
(8) The possibility that the investments will not be subject to LTC
(9) The charges for the investments
(10) The funds available for the investments
(11) The timeframe of the investments
Describe how their maximum pension contributions are determined (9)
(1) Take the current AA
(2) Determine their pension input amount for the tax year
(3) Include both EE and ER contributions
(4) Deduct the pension input amount from the current AA
(5) This indicates their remaining AA
(6) Use this tax year’s AA first
(7) Calculate the carry-forward from the previous 3 years
(8) Start with the AA from the earliest year carried forward
(9) Their total contribution cannot exceed their total earned income in the tax year
Explain to them why they should not pay off their mortgage immediately using Linda’s inheritance (5)
(1) Their current interest rate is competitive
(2) They can secure a better interest rate on the savings market
(3) An early repayment penalty applies
(4) They can afford their current repayments
(5) They can change their mind should their circumstances change
State the factors to consider when reviewing their pensions at their next review (10)
(1) When they intend to retire
(2) Their income and capital requirements in retirement
(3) Their current shortfall
(4) Their state of health and personal circumstances
(5) Their state pension forecasts
(6) The performance of their investments
(7) Their use of their allowances
(8) Economic climate and market conditions
(9) Their ATR
(10) Whether they have made nominations
Identify the additional information you would require to advise them on the suitability of their savings and investments (9)
(1) What level of emergency fund they require
(2) Whether they have plans to repay their mortgage
(3) Whether they have utilised their CGT exemptions
(4) Their willingness to utilise their ISA allowances
(5) Their willingness to transfer assets between them
(6) Their willingness to rely on their investments in retirement
(7) The interest rates on their deposits
(8) Further details on their investments
(9) Their willingness to diversify their portfolio
Evaluate the suitability of their current savings and investments (9)
(1) Steve is not using his PSA
(2) Linda is not using her dividend allowance
(3) They have not used their ISA allowances
(4) Their overall portfolio may match their ATR
(5) They are overweight in UK equity
(6) They hold too much in a small number of funds
(7) Linda’s inheritance will be insecure (£1m for 6 months)
(8) £25,000 is suitable for an emergency fund
(9) They hold too much in cash (inflation risk)
Justify a recommendation to review and diversify their investments (5)
(1) They hold too much in a small number of funds
(2) They are overweight in UK equity
(3) It will reduce volatility
(4) It will increase capital growth potential
(5) It will align their portfolio with their ATR
Justify a recommendation to invest in multi-asset funds (9)
(1) It will diversify their portfolio
(2) It will reduce volatility
(3) It will increase capital growth potential
(4) It will allow them to benefit from active management
(5) It will allow them to benefit from internal rebalancing
(6) It may match their ATR
(7) It will allow them to benefit from specialist securities
(8) It may offer protection from a market downturn
(9) It may offer protection from falling annuity rates
Justify a recommendation to switch Linda’s deposits to joint names and transfer half of Steve’s unit trust to Linda (4)
(1) It will utilise both of their PSAs
(2) It will utilise both of their dividend allowances
(3) It will utilise both of their CGT exemptions
(4) It will not attract CGT