Clerkship Flashcards
Primary Amenorrhea
- Gonadal Dysgenesis
- Mullerian Agenesis
- Androgen insensitivity
- Turner
- Imperforate Hymen
- 17 alpha hydroxylase
- HPA defects
Gonadal Dysgenesis
- No secondary sexual characteristics
- Increased LH, FSH, low E2
- Phenotypic female
Mullerian Agenesis
- Yes secondary sex characteristics
- Pelvic exam will be abnormal
- No pelvic hair
Androgen Insensitivity
- Externally phenotypically female
- Will have breasts
- Will have XY, no internal structures
IMperorforate Hymen
-Cyclical pain with menstruation
17 alpha hydroxylase
- No breasts or secondary sex characteristics
- Elevated mineralocorticoids. Hypokalemia, hypernatremia, alkalosis
- Decreaed cortisol
HPA defects
- Decresased FSH, LH, E2
- No secondary sex characteristics
- Caused by tumors, malformation, Fe, bilirubin deposits
Secondary Amenorrhea
- Pregnancy
- Menopause
- Premature Ovarian Failure
- Hyper/hypo thyroid
- Outflow obstruction
- Ashermans
Always get pregnancy test no matter what
-Often accompanied by other signs
-FSH, LH will be increased and E2 will be decreased
Negative pregnancy test
-Dyspareunia common
Premture ovarian failure
Less than 40 and menopause signs.
Dyspareunia common presenting because of decrease E2 and decrease vaginal secretition
- Look for other signs and order TSH
- DM can also cause amenorrhea
- Hyperandrogenism
- Elevated LH
- Oligomenorrhea, irregular
- Tx with OCP to prevent endometrial CA and regulate sycles
- Tx with clomiphene for ovulation
Look for previous D and C or ablation
-Can treat surgically and with E2
Outflow obstrctuion
Commonly caused by cervical stenosis.
-Following LEEP or cold knife for cervical CA
Virrulization, hair growing, oily skin, decreased ovulation
- Theca Tumor
- Other Tumor, ACTh etc
- Cushings disease
- Adrenal Tumor (DHEA)
- 21 hydroxylase, 11 hydroxylase
- Leydig sertolli tumors
- Hyperthecosis
- Obesity leads to increased E2 leads to supression of FSH leads to incrase LH leads to hypertestosterone
- Treat with OCP to prevent dendometirla complications
- Treat with clomipohine for ovulation
Theca Leutin Cyst
- Seen commonly in pregnancy
- Will have baby with ambiguous genetalia and mother with virilization, often subsides after pregnancy
Hilar tumor
- Tumor of strtomal cells of the ovary
- Leads to icnrase Testosterone production beyond what can be converted by granulosa
- High T and High E
-Extreme form of PCOS, hyperplasia of ovarian stroma resistant to treatment
-Idiopathic virilizatoin
-Virilization in the absence of any disease or biochemical test
-Elevated cortisol and signs of cushings
21 hydroxylase deficincy
- hypotension and virilization
- decreased mineralocorticoids
11 hydroxylase deficency
-HTN and increased mineralocorticoids
Postpartum Alopecia
- Elevated levels of E2 in pregnancy cause growht of hairs at the same rate
- Leads to loss at same time and alopecia
- treatment is conservative and hair will return
- Caused by microadenoma, macroadenoma, drugs, decreased renal clearance, empty sella leding to pit hypertrophy, hypothyroid (Decrease - feedback on TRH)
- Workup is PRL and TSH (Can cause decrase TSH)
- 5HT and TRH are stimulating, DA inhibits
- Tx bromocriptine, surgery if failed medical therapy or macroadenoma.
- Causes loss of ovulation because of negative feebnack on gNRH. Can lead to osteoprosis from decreased estrogen
- Nulip, cyclical pain, pain with sex and defecation. Retroflexed nodular uterosacral ligament
- Diagnose with clinical findings or laproscopy with biopsy for diffinitive diagnosis
- Tx 1st symptomatic, then OCP
- If doesn’t work then can use leuprolide (Osteoporsosis), Danazol (virilization)
- Post childbearing with hyst and BSO
- Noncylical pain, often multparous, later in life. Enlarged uterus
- Dx with U/S or MRI, sometimes difficult to distinguish from myoma
- Treatment is hysterectomy, not hormonally responsive
- Ablation is ineffective because it is the myoma layer tha is bad not the endometrium
Hemorrhagic Cysts
- Diagnosed via ultrasound, generally simple cysts
- Treatment is waiting. WIll often resolve in 3 monthts or so
- Surgery after first diagnosis is premature