CLEP - More Vocab Flashcards
Technique of differentiating between factors that may or may not influence the relationship between variables
Hawthorne effect
The mere presence of a researcher affects the subject’s behavior; Elton May identified
Technique that provides firsthand experience of real situations
Agents of Socialization
- family
- school
- peer groups
- mass media
Position in a society or in a group
Behavior of a person occupying a particular position
A number of people interacting with one another in ways that form a pattern & who are united by the feeling of being bound together & by a “consciousness of kind”
Organized systems of social relationships that emerge in response to the basic problems or needs of every society
Interaction processes
The ways role partners agree on goals, negotiate reaching them, & distribute resources
Instrumental leader
Task-oriented leaders who organize the group in the pursuit of its goals
Expressive leaders
Social-emotional leaders who achieve harmony & solidarity among group members by offering emotional support
2 well-known criticisms of bureaucracy expressed in Parkinson’s Law
- Peter Principle
2. Iron Law of Oligarchy
Social control
Series of measures that serve as a general guarantee of people conforming to norms
Negative sanctions
Indicate that social control has failed & that deviance has occurred
Major function of deviance
To reassure people that the system of social control is working effectively
Deviance serves several functions
- to unify the group
- as a safety valve
Social control techniques
- persuasion
- teaching
- force
Social control techniques can be
- planned
- unplanned
- informal (involving the approval or disapproval of significant others)
- formal (involving those in positions responsible for enforcing norms)
2 types of families
- family of orientation
- family of procreation
Economic order
Institutionalized organizational system of norms & behavioral patterns thru which goods & services are produced, distributed & consumed
Economic life
Includes the work we do, what type of economic organization we belong to, why we do it. & the measure of success attained as shown by wealth, property, income, & occupation itself
Represents the type of economic motivation that sanctifies the past by preserving a certain practice bc it has always been that way
Economic rationality
Represents the type of economic motivation that embraces change & development, such as in the method of production
3 types of authority
- traditional
- rational-legal
- charismatic
Distribution systems
- barter system
- free-market system
Political order
Institutionalized system of organization & behavioral patterns thru which power is legitimately acquired & exercised
Power elite
Consists of military leaders, politicians, & business leaders who are responsible to no one but themselves
System of stratification
Refers to the institutions & ideas that permit or limit the distribution of prestige, status,& opportunities in life
Sexist ideology
A belief system assuming that innate characteristics translate into one gender being superior to another
Age stratification
The ways in which people are differently treated depending on their age
The unequal distribution of social rewards
Relatively large number of people in close proximity to one another, reacting at once to a common interest or focus
Represents those people in a population with a general interest in & opinion about an issue of concern to them
Public opinion
Refers to the actual opinions people have about a given issue
Refers to those attempts to affect & change what the public sees & how the public perceives an issue
Social movement
Constituted by a set of beliefs, opinions, interests, & practices generally favoring institutional change of a particular or more general sort
Social movement organization
Formal organizations that are specifically created for the purpose of channeling either dissatisfaction & discontent into change, or satisfaction & contentment into conservation of tradition
Informal sanction
Direct social pressure from those around us to conform
Organic solidarity
term Durkheim used to describe the bonds that unite members of industrialized nations
Mechanical solidarity
Durkheim’s term for social bonds that are based on shared moral sentiments. Usually these types of bonds were found among people living in pre-industrial societies.