Clep Flashcards
The focus of psychological science is the attempt to relate overt responses to observable environmental stimuli" This statement is most closely associated with which of the following approaches? (A) Cognitive B) Behavioral (C) Biological (D) Humanistic (E) Psychodynamic
- Which of the following types of research design
is most appropriate for establishing a cause-and-
effect relationship between two variables?
(A) Correlational
(B) Naturalistic observation
(C) Participant observation
(D) Experimental
(E) Case study
3. The science of psychology is typically dated from the establishment of the late-nineteenth-Century Leipzig laboratory of (A) Hermann Ebbinghaus 8) Hermann von Helmholtz (C) William James (D) Wilhelm Wundt (E) John LLocke
Wilhelm Wundt
- The requirement that prospective participants
Know the general nature of a study so that
they can decide whether to participate is a
major part of
(A) reciprocal determinism
(B) confidentiality
(C) informed consent
(D) duty to inform
(E) debriefing
Informed consent
5. The statement "Response latency is the number of seconds that elapses between the stimulus and the response" is an example of (A) introspection (B) a description of an interaction (C) a deduction (D) an operational definition (E) free association
An operational definition
6. As blind children learn to read braille, the amount of sensory cortex devoted to their finger tips increases. Which process is responsible for this allotment of brain activity? (A) Plasticity (B) Lateralization (C) Synesthesia (D) Place theory (E) Transduction
- A neuron is said to be polarized when
(A) it is in the refractory period
(B) it is in a resting state
(C) it is about to undergo an action potential
(D) the synaptic terminals release chemicals into
the synaptic gap
(E) chemicals outside the cell body cross the cell
It is in a resting state
8. Down syndrome is caused by (A) an extra chromosome (B) an imbalance of neurotransmitters (C) a tumor in the parietal lobe (D) a nutritional deficiency (E) a viral infection in the third trimester of pregnancy
An extra chromosome
- One common technique used in studying infant
perception and cognition involves measuring a
decreased response to a stimulus that an infant
has been exposed to previously. This research
technique is called
(A) the preferential-looking paradigm
B habituation
(C) the Strange Situation
(D) expectancy violation
(E) conditioned head turning
- Damage to an individual’s parietal lobes is most likely to result in
(A) a heightened sense of smell
(B educed sensitivity to touch
(C) decreased reaction time
(D) a loss in the ability to understand spoken
(E) difficulty discriminating between the four
primary tastes
Reduced sensitivity to touch
- Hadidjah is a manager conducting an interview
with a job applicant. During their conversation
her attention is diverted when she hears her
name mentioned by two employees talking in the
hall outside her office door. Hadidjah’s attention
being drawn to the employees in the hall can
best be explained by
(A) dichotic listening
(B) the availability heuristic
(C) the use of a mnemonic
(D) the cocktail party phenomenon
(E) priming
The cocktail party phenomenon
- According to the activation-synthesis hypothesis
of dreaming, dreams serve which of the
following purposes?
(A) To protect the ego from the unconscious
struggles of the mind
(B) To make sense of random neural activity during sleep
(C) To provide unfiltered problem solving of encounters that occurred while awake
(D) To provide a window into the unconscious, revealing true wishes and desires
(E) To provide learning and rehearsal of material
encounters that occurred while awake
To make sense of random neural activity during sleep
- The opponent-process theory in vision best
explains which of the following?
(A) Size constancy
(B Color afterimages
(C Superior visual acuity in the fovea
(D) Depth perception using monocular cues
(E) Illusory movement
Color after images
- The receptors for hearing are the
(A) ossicles in the middle ear
(B) otoliths in the semicircular canals
(C) hair cells on the basilar membrane
(D) specialized cells on the tympanic membrane
(E) cells in the lining of the auditory canal
Hair cells on the basil at membrane
15. The picture above of a road receding in the distance represents the depth perception cue known as (A) accommodation (B) retinal disparity (C) texture gradient (D) relative size
(E) linear perspective
Linear perspective
- Brain waves during REM sleep generally
A) alternating high- and low-amplitude waves appear as (B) rapid low-amplitude waves (C) irregular medium-amplitude waves (D) slow low-amplitude waves (E) slow high-amplitude waves
Rapid low-amplitude waves
17. Which of the following is a type of sleep pattern that becomes less prevalent as one moves from infancy to adulthood? (A) Alpha (B) Beta (C) Gamma (D) Theta E)REM
18. According to current psychological research, hypnosis is most useful for which of the following purposes? (A) Pain control (B) Age regression (C) Treatment of psychotic behavior (D) Treatment of a memory disorder (E) Treatment of a personality disorder
Pain control
- Checking the coin return every time one passes a
vending machine is a type of behavior probably
being maintained by which of the following
schedules of reinforcement?
(A) Fixed interval only
(B) Fixed ratio only
TC)Variable ratio only
(D) Variable interval and fixed ratio
E) Fixed interval and variable ratio
Variable ratio only
- Making the amount of time a child can spend playing video games contingent on the amount
of time the child spends practicing the piano is
an illustration of
(A) frequency theory (B) the law of association (C) aversive conditioning (D) classical conditioning (E) operant conditioning
Operant condition
21. Which of the following strategies undermines the effectiveness of punishment? (A) Delaying punishment (B) Using punishment just severe enough to be effective (C) Making punishment consistent (D) Explaining punishment (E) Minimizing dependence on physical punishment
Delaying punishment
22. A teacher tells a child to sit down in class Over the course of several days, the child stands up more and more frequently, only to be told to sit down each time. It is most likely that the teacher's reprimands are serving as (A) a punishment (B) approval (C) a reinforcer (D) an aversive stimulus (E) a conditioned stimulus
A reinforcer
23. Which of the following is a secondary reinforcer? (A) Food (B) Warmth (C) Water (D) Money (E)Sex
- Shortly after learning to associate the word
“dog” with certain four-legged furry animals,
young children will frequently misidentify a cow
or a horse as a dog. This phenomenon is best
viewed as an example of
(A) differentiation
(B) negative transfer
(C) imprinting
(D) overextension
(E) linear perspective
- If on the last day of a psychology class a student
is asked to remember what was done in class
each day during the term, she will likely be able
to remember best the activities of the first and
last class meetings. This situation is an example
(A) retroactive interference
(B) positive transfer
(C) the serial position effect
(D) proactive interference
(E) short-term memory
The serial position effect
- Proactive interference describes a process
by which
(A) people remember digits better than words
(8) people remember images better than words
C people remember elements in pairs
D) prior learning interferes with subsequent
(E) subsequent learning interferes with
prior learning
Prior learning interferes with subsequent learning
- Research has shown that students generally
perform better if tested in the same room where-
they originally learned the material. This shows
the importance of which of the following in
(A) Insight
(B) Preparedness
(D) Invariance
(E) Rehearsal
- Which of the following is true oe. recall
rformance on a typical forgetting curve?
(A)It decreases rapidly at first, and then it levels off
(B) It decreases slowly at first, and then it drops off quite sharply
C it decreases at a steady rate until it reaches a near zero level
(D) It remains steady for about the first week, then it begins a gradual decline.
(E) It increases for the first few hours after learning, and then it decreases very slowly over the next few weeks
It decreases rapidly at first , and then it levels off
- According to information processing theorv.
information is progressively processed by
(A) long-term memory, short-term memory, and
then sensory memory
(B) sensory memory, short-term memory, and then long term memory
(C) sensory memory, semantic memory, and then long-term memory
(D) short-term memory, semantic memory, and then long term memory
(E) short-term memory, long-term memory, and then sensory memory
Sensory memory , short-term memory , and then long term memory
30. In problem solving, which of the following approaches almost always guarantees a correct solution? (A) Insight (B) Heuristic (C) Algorithm (D) Critical thinking (E) Convergent thinking
- One theory of the effects of arousal holds that
efficiency of behavior can be described as an
inverted U-shaped function of increasing arousal.
Which of the following accurately describes this
(A) Greater arousal leads to better performance.
(B) Greater arousal leads to poorer performance.
(CLow and high levels of arousal lead to
poorest performance.
(D) Overarousal leads to performance efficiency.
(E) Underarousal leads to performance
Low and high levels of arousal lead to poorest performance
- Which of the following illustrates drive
(A) A person wins five dollars in the lottery.
(B) A dog burned by a hot stove avoids the stove
(C) A child who likes music turns up the volume
of the radio.
(D) A dog salivates at the sound of a tone
previously paired with fresh meat.
(E) A woman who is cold puts on a warm coat.
A woman who is cold outside on a warm coat
- Which of the following presents a pair of needs
from Abraham Maslow’s hierarchical need
structure, in order from lower to higher need?
(A) Belongingness, safety
(B) Self-actualization, physiological needs
Physiological needs, safety
(D) Esteem, belongingness
(E) Self-actualization, esteem
Psychological needs , safety
34. Which of the following drugs is most likely to cause hyperalertness, agitation, and general euphoria? (A) A barbiturate (B))A stimulant (C) A hallucinogen (D) An antidepressant (E) An antipsychotic
A stimulant
35. In which of the following areas does research show most clearly that girls develop earlier than boys? (A) Independence from parents (B) Athletic competence (C) Intellectual achievement (D)Adolescent physical growth spurt (E) Self-actualization
Adolescent physical growth spurt
- Developmental psychologists are most likely to
prefer longitudinal research designs to
cross-sectional research designs because
longitudinal designs
(A) usually yield results much more quickly
(B) offer the advantage of between-subjects
(C) are much less likely to be influenced by
cultural changes that occur over time
(D) utilize the participants as their own
experimental controls
(E) are more valid
utilize the participants as their own experimental controls