Cleisthenes Flashcards
570-08 BC
Elected archon after the tyranny of Pisistratus
Beat isagoras by promising to people control of the state (democracy)
Birth of democracy
Wanted to see an end to factionalism cussed by aristocratic families
Aimed to deprive blood tribes of political significance and to replace them with territorial tribes (demes)
139 in total
Each had own council to manage own affairs- led by demarch
Member of deme proof of citizenship
Council of 500 (Boule)
50 members chosen annually from 10 tribes
Oversaw archons
Managed state affairs incl. votes, war, economy
The assembly
Met on pnyx
Each citizen could come and vote
Information available before meetings
Military reform
Army reorganised on basis of 10 tribes and pulled from trittyes
Strategoi could be re-elected indefinitely
Safeguard against tyranny
6000 votes required
Votes cast on ostrakon not by hand
Grouped in 3s: city, coast, inland
Formed between nearby demes
‘Deme-tribe’ system
139 demes
30 trittyes
3 regions
1 trittyes each from the coast, city and inland
Named after a local hero