Cleft Palate, Genetic Syndrome Flashcards
A secondary palatal surgical procedure in which a muscular flap is cut from the posterior pharyngeal wall, raised, and attached to the velum.
Openings on either side of the flap allow for nasal breathing, nasal drainage, and production of nasal speech sounds.
Flap helps close the velo-pharyngeal port, thus reducing hypernasality
pharyngeal flap
Surgical procedure in which the cleft of the soft palate is closed first, and the cleft of the hard palate is closed later
Delayed hard palate closure
Performed to repair the cleft of the palate by raising two bipedicled (attached on both ends) flaps of mucoperiostem, bringing them together and attaching them to close the cleft of the hard palate is closed later
Von Langenbeck surgical method
surgery done to repair cleft of the palate
-incision on either side of the cleft
-two flaps of tissue freed from bone
-margins of the cleft pared
-flaps brought together, pushed back, sutured
*lengthens palate and improves chances of velopharyngeal approximation
V-Y retroposition (Veau-Wardill-Kilner) method
Done to improve appearance and functioning after the initial closure of the clefts
secondary surgeries for clefts
children w/ palatal clefts tend to exhibit a higher prevalence of laryngeal and vocal disorders, which may include:
- vocal nodules
- hypertrophy and edema of the vocal folds
- vocal hoarseness, reduced vocal intensity
- resonance disorders characterized by hypernasality, hyponasality, denasality, or a combination
Communication disorders associated w/ cleft
laryngeal & phonatory disorders
- may not be as significant as articulation disorders
- initially delayed language development
- significant language disorders in children whose clefts
- relatively normal receptive language skills, w/ delays in expressive language
Communication disorders associated w/ cleft
language disorders
- more significant if the palatal cleft is not repaired early or the repair is inadequate
- greater difficulty w/ unvoiced sounds than voices, pressure consonants, audible or inaudible nasal air emission, distortion of vowels
- difficulty w/ sibilants (/s, z/), high pressure stops (/b, p/), frivatives (/f, v/)
- compensatory errors including various types of substitutions
- affricates, fricatives, and plosives
Communication Disorders associated w/ clefts
Speech sound disorders
- children w/ clefts are prone to middle ear infections and hearing loss
- most common: otitis media
- most common type: conductive hearing loss
- Eustachian tube dysfunction
Communication disorders associated w/ clefts
hearing loss
- not a form of clefting but rather is a related disorder
- impaired velopharyngeal closing-valve functioning
- may be caused by a short palate, an occult submucous cleft palate
- hypernasal speech: mild to severe
congenital palatopharyngeal incompetence (CPI)
missing teeth
only detectable by x-ray examination and nasopharyngoscopy
occult submucous cleft
surface tissues of the soft or had palate fuse but the underlying muscle or bone tissues do not
submucous cleft
minimal expressions of clefts, including a hairline indentation of the lip or just a notch on the lip
Genetic Abnormalities
- autosomal dominant inheritance in some syndromes (Apert, stickler, Van der Woude..)
- recessive genetic syndrome
- x-linked inheritance
- chromosomal abnormalities
Environmental Teratogenic Factors
- fetal alcohol syndrome
- illegal drug use
- side effects of some prescriptions
- rubella
Mechanical Factors
- intrauterine crowding
- twinning
- uterine tumor
- amniotic ruptures
etiology of clefts
What are the maxillary processes?
face, mouth, cheeks, sides of the upper lip; most of the hard palate; alveolar ridge; soft palate
development of a groove (primitive mouth and nose)
What is the most crucial period for genetic malformations?
embryonic period (first 7-10 weeks of gestation)
an opening in a normally closed structure
cleft lip: opening in the lip, usually upper lip (lower lip is rare)
Congenital disorder
Clefts of lips alone = rare; usually associated w/ cleft of the palate
For surgery, child should be:
- weight = 10 lbs, age = 10 wks, hemoglobin 10
Minimizes risk of gneral anesthesia, maximize healing capacity, and facilitate aspects of surgical repair based on child’s size
Role of 10s
ratio formed between oral and nasal sound pressures, which is expressed as a percentage
- Evaluates velopharyngeal structures & their functional relationships
- This analysis informs decisions about surgery, therapy, and others
cephalometric analysis
another surgical proceudre in which a substance such as teflon, silicone, dacron wool/silicone gel bad, or cartilage, may be implanted or injected into the posterior pharyngeal wall to make it bulge and thus help close the velopharyngeal port
- important to focus on increasing intelligibility
- more visible sounds are taught except lingua-dentals
- stops and fricatives are taught before other classes
- training /k/ and /g/ may be inappropriate if no adequate velopharyngeal function
- fricatives, affricates, both may be trained afer stops
- compensatory articulatory positioning
- minimal pairs approach
- Electropalatography (EPG)
- similar to a retainer
- immediate visual feedback
treatment of SSD’s (cleft)