Cleavage to Trilaminar Germ Disc Flashcards
blastocyst formation
morula enters uterine cavity 4 days after fertilization
fluid from uterine cavity forms blastocystic cavity (Blastocoel)
blastomeres separate into 2 groups (compaction):
1. inner cell mass (Embryoblast): develop into Embryo
2. outer cell mass (Trophoblast): form Placenta, zona pellucida degenerates to interact with the endometrium
respiratory and excretory organ of fetus
is the morula totipotent or pluripotent
are the cells of the inner cell mass totipotent or pluripotent
pluripotent (no placenta)
umbilical cord develops from the
connecting stalk
fetus develops from the
inner cell mass
placenta develops from the
outer cell layer; trophoblast
trophoblast cells cling and attach tightly to the endometrium
decidual reaction: endometrial cells become metabolically active and secretory (Decidual cells)… glands enlarge and area is more vascular
_________ secreted by _______ cells maintains pregnancy, also used in urine pregnancy tests
human chorionic gonadotropic (hCG), trophoblast
first week of human development
fertilization- at the distal end of a uterine tube (Ampulla)
formation of zygote
cleavage blastocyst formation
penetration of endometrium
changes in trophoblast
formation of cytotrophoblast (inner layer with mononuclear cells) and syncytiotrophoblast (outer layer without cell boundaries)
changes in the embryoblast
- formation of hypoblast (single layer of flat cells inferior to embryoblast)
- formation of amniotic cavity (above embryoblast)… cavity will enlarge and enclose embryo
- formation of bilaminar germ disc
embryoblast differentiates (inferior hypoblast… flat cells and superior epiblast… tall cells)
-two cavities: - amniotic cavity above epiblast
- yolk sac/exocoelomic cavity below hypoblast
formation of connecting stalk
bilaminar germ disc is separated from the cytotrophoblast by the formation of the extra embryonic mesoderm (developed from proliferation of cells of hypoblast)
what is the extraembryonic coelom/chorionic cavity
large cavity in extraembryonic mesoderm which does not extend into the region of the connecting stalk
what happens at week 3
the bilaminar embryonic disc becomes the trilaminar embryonic disc with 3 germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
embryo called a gastrula
formation of primitive streak
what is the first sign of gastrulation
formation of primitive streak
formation of primitive streak
epiblast cells in caudal end enlarge and migrate
hypoblast cells in cranial end enlarge and form prechordal plate (future mouth)
signals development of forebrain and eyes
establish cranial and caudal ends, dorsal and ventral surfaces and right and left sides of embryo
what happens after primitive streak is formed
-proliferating cells of epiblast gives rise to 3 layers of cells
-forms mesenchyme until 4th week and degenerates after 4th week
-epiblast cells displace hypoblast and forms intraembryonic endoderm
-remaining epiblast –> intraembryonic ectoderm
-mesenchym –> connective tissue
-some forms mesoblast –> intraembryonic mesoderm
derivative of 3 embryonic cell layers
ectoderm: epidermis, CNS, PNS
endoderm: epithelial linings of respiratory tract, gastro-intestinal tract, liver, pancreas
mesoderm: cardiovascular system, blood cells, marrow, bones, muscles, reproductive and excretory organs
formation of notochord
mesodermal cells from primitive streak migrate cranially from cranial end of primitive streak to the prechordal plate forming a median cellular cord called the Notochord
intraembryonic mesoderm
mesenchymal and mesodermal cells migrate cranially on each side of notochord and around prechordal plate
cranial to prechordal plate meet and forms cardiogenic mesoderm
two sites where the ectoderm and endoderm remain fused maintaining the bilaminar nature preventing the migration of mesenchyme and mesoderm are
- prechordal plate/oropharyngeal membrane- future site of mouth
- cloacal membrane (caudal to primitive streak)- future site of anus
-axis of embryo
-site of future vertebral bodies
-primary inductor for early embryo
-induces formation of overlying neural plate
-most degenerates, rest forms nucleus pulposus of inter vertebral disc