Cleavage Flashcards
Cleavage =
one sentence definition
Rapid series of mitotic cell divisions which are inititated by the zygote within 24 hours after fertilisation
Impact of cleavage on the size of the embryo
& what is the name of the daughter cells
Size stays the same
Because divisions are not accompanied by cell growth
So the mitotic divisions simply divide the large zygote into many smaller daugther cells called BLASTOMERES
+ Bonus point = embryo remains enclosed in the zona pellucida
State the changes in the number of cell size in the first fve days after fertilisation of the egg cell and name any key names of what the mebryo is called at these stages
Day 0 = pronuclear stage
Day 1 = 2 cell
Day 2 = 4 cell
Day 3 = 8 cell
Day 4 = MORULA - 16 to 32 cells
Fertilisation occurs in the ….. of the oviduct
During the first …. days the zygote undergoes …… as it travels down the ….. and enters the …..
On day … the …. hatches from the …. and is then able to implant into the uterine ….
5, blastocyst, zona pellucida, endometrium
….. causes some blastomeres to segregate to the centre of the morula and others to the outside.
Centrally places blastomeres are called ….
Blastomeres placed at the periphery = constitute the …..
ICM = inner cell mass
The inner cell mass gives rise to the ….. …. and is therefore also called the ….
embryo proper
Trophoblast = primary source of the fetal component of the …..
Tranformation of Morula to Blastocyst
. What is the side of the embryo containing the ICM called
. And what is the opposite side called
- Embryonic pole
-Abembryonic pole
Explain the process which leads to the formation of blastoceol within the morula?
. The pumping of sodium into the interior of the morula through Na+/K+ ATPase
. Results in water moving in through osmosis to become BLASTOCOELIC FLUID
. As the hydrostatic pressure increases, a large cavity called the BLASTOCYST CAVITY (blastocoel) forms within the morula
As the trophblast differentiates, it assembles into an epithelium in which adjacent cells are tightly adherent to one another - this adhesion results from the deposition on lateral cell surfaces of ……. which is a ….. dependent cell-adhesion molecule and the formation of intracellular junctions such as 1,2,3 and 4
Tight junctions,
Gap junctions,
Adheren junctions
The embryoblast cells (inner cell mass) then form a compact mass at one side of this cavity, and the trophoblast organizes into a thin, single-layered epithelium. The embryo is now called a…..
End of ……..: Initiating Implantation
Blastocyst Hatches From ……….Before Implanting
first week
zona pellucida
Before implanting the blastocyst hatches from the zona pellucida by using …. (basically to bore a hole in & to squeeze out)
. ….. is adherent, attaches to the uterine epithelium