Clearing and settlement Flashcards
Three stages of clearing:
Pre-settlement and clearing
Post settlement
All securities settle T+2 except:
Equity (new issues T + 1, certificated T + 10)
Bonds (Gilts T + 1 cash, US T-Bonds T + 1, JGBs T + 1)
Others (Repo T+ 0, Money market T + 1, F/X forward > T + 2)
Organising delivery vs payment model 1
– Gross, simultaneous settlement of securities and funds
• Electronic book-entry transfer of securities and funds on a trade-by-trade gross basis
• Final transfer of securities (delivery) occurring at the same time as final transfer of funds
• Mostly used in Europe
Organising delivery vs payment model 2
– Gross settlement of securities followed by net settlement of funds
• Electronic book-entry transfer of securities on a trade-by-trade gross basis
• Net settlement of funds at the end of the processing cycle
• Final transfer of securities (delivery) occurs before the final transfer of funds (payment)
• Used in the US and popular in emerging markets
Organising delivery vs payment model 3
– Net simultaneous settlement of securities and funds
• Electronic book-entry transfer both securities and funds on a net basis
• Final net transfer of securities (delivery) occurring at the same time as final net transfer of funds
Custodianship services
• Safekeeping - Primary responsibility is to ensure that client assets are fully protected at all times • Segregation of assets • Administration - Facilitate delivery vs. payment (DvP) - Corporate actions - Links with registrars - Provides market information - Links with regulators
Types of custody
• Global custody
- Manages custody arrangements across the full range of foreign markets in which they have invested assets
• Sub-custody
- Where a local agent is appointed to provide settlement and custody services for assets that a global custodian holds on behalf of clients in a foreign market
• Local custodian
- Market specialist operating in the same market as the custody assets trade
Regional custodian:
A regional custodian is able to provide agent bank services across multiple markets in a region.
When an institutional investor invests in securities, it will commonly employ the services of a custodian to administer these securities by:
• Providing safe keeping of the investor’s assets in the local market
• Making appropriate arrangements for delivery and receipt of cash and
securities to support settlement of the investor’s trading activities in that market
• Providing market information to the investor on developments and reforms within that market
• Collecting income payments, such as dividend income and interest paid on debt securities n the local market
• Managing the client’s cash flows
• Monitoring and managing entitlements through corporate actions and voting rights held by the investor in the local market
• Managing tax reclaims and other tax services in the local market
• Ensuring that securities are registered and that transfer of legal title on securities transactions proceeds effectively
• Ensuring that reporting obligations to the regulatory authorities, and to other relevant bodies, are discharged effectively
What is a prime brokerage?
Prime brokerage is the generic name for a bundled package of services offered by investment banks to hedge funds
Typical services of a prime brokerage
Stock lending and borrowing
Leveraged trade execution
Cash management
Core settlement (manage delivery and payment on transactions)
Custody (safekeeping and administration of assets)
Rehypothecation (use of a client’s collateral for own purposes)
Bearer securities:
Legal owner is the holder of the investment
Registered securities:
Legal owner recorded on a central register
Nominee accounts:
Pooled nominee
• Investor’s shares pooled with those of other investors
• Broker’s nominee name appears on the register of members
• AKA omnibus account
Designated nominee
• Investor’s shares held in separate pool
• An individual designation appears on the register of members
Sole nominee
• Single nominee name per client is used on the register
Corporate nominee
• The company itself holds shares within a single entry
• Forward single dividends to each individual and other perks
Gross settlement:
Entire value of each deal is paid to other party
Herstatt risk:
The risk that a bank pay it counterparties and fails to receive a payment in return
Net FX settlement using continuous linked settlement (CLS)
• CLS: A cross-currency settlement system operated by CLS Bank
• Benefits:
- Payment vs. payment
- More certainty about end-of-day cash positions
- The volume and value of payments is reduced
- Errors are minimised
• Payments made through Bank of England via CHAPS
CLS summary
0630 - members input settlement instructions to CLS bank before 0630 CET. At 0630 CET CLS provides the member with its NET payment schedule for that day.
0630-0700 CET - members submit their net payment totals to the relevant central bank.
0700-0900 - continuously receives funds from settlement members, settles instructions across its books and pays out funds to settlement members.
0900-1200 - payins and payouts are finalised.