Clear Heat and Drain Fire Flashcards
Shi Gao
,-Clears Heat and Drains Fire: Main Herb for Yangming stage disease and qi portion
- Clears Excess heat from LU
- Clears Blazing Stomach Fire
- Eczema, Burns & Ulcerated Sores
Zhi Mu
- Clears KI Fire
- Generates Fluids
- Same as Shi Gao but not as strong
- Clear ST Fire and LU heat
- 4 Bigs
- Periodontal disease
Zhi Zi
- Treats heat in all 3 burners- SJ Herb
- Resolves constrained heat- HT, LR
- Drains damp heat via urine
Dan Zhu Ye
- HT heat transferred to SI
- Mild Qi-level heat
- Promote Urination-clear damp heat
Xia Ku Cao
- Hypertension- LR fire pattern
- Phlegm fire nodules, especially in neck
- benefit eyes
Lian Zi Xin
- Clears Heat from HT and PC
- Drain HT fire
- Stop bleeding, bind essence
Lu Gen
- Generates Fluids w/o being cloying
- Cool LU/ST
- Alleviate Nausea
- Promote Urination
- Encourage rash to surface
Jue Ming Zi
- Disperse W-F to cool the eyes
- Moisten the Intestines
- Nourish LR/KI yin-ascending and descending actions
Qing Xiang Zi
- Clear F from LR channel to benefit eyes/ears
- Direct rebellious qi down
- Eliminate superficial visual obstruction
Mi Meng Hua
- Ben eyes by ton. LR yin and cooling LR heat
- red swollen eyes, excessive tearing, light sensitivity
Shi Gao Category
Clear Heat and Drain Fire
Zhi Mu Category
Clear Heat and Drain Fire
Zhi Zi Category
Clear Heat and Drain Fire
Dan Zhu Ye Category
Clear Heat and Drain Fire
Xia Ku Cao Category
Clear Heat and Drain Fire
Lian Zi Xin Category
Clear Heat and Drain Fire
Lu Gen Category
Clear Heat and Drain Fire
Jue Ming Zi Category
Clear Heat and Drain Fire
Qing Xiang Zi Category
Clear Heat and Drain Fire
Mi Meng Hua Category
Clear Heat and Drain Fire
Zhi Zi Chi Tang (gardenia and fermented soy decoction)
- Clear heat and alleviate restlessness and irritability
- mild qi level heat disturbing the heart, chest and epigastrum
Zhi Zi Chi Tang category
Clear Heat and Drain Fire
Bai Hu Tang (white tiger decoction)
- Clears severe qi level heat
- drains ST fire
- generates fluids
- alleviates thirst
Bai Hu Tang category
Clear Heat and Drain Fire
Zhu Ye Zhi Gao Tang (lopharherus and gypsum decoction)
- LU, ST, HT
- Clear Heat, Generate Fluids, Augment the Qi, Harmonize the ST
- Residual Heat
Zhu Ye Zhi Gao Tang Category
Clear Heat and Drain Fire
Liang Ge San (cooling the diaphragm powder)
- Drain Fire and Unblock the Bowels
- Clear the UJ and Drain MJ
- UJ/MJ excess and stagnation heat with discomfort in diaphragm, constipation, and emotional symptoms
Liang Ge San Category
Clear Heat and Drain Fire
Fang Feng Tong Sheng San (Siler and Platycodon Decoction)
- Clear Heat -interior/exterior
- Dispel wind/heat toxin
- release the exterior
- drain heat, unblock bowels
- release the “three yangs”
- weight loss
- severe heat influenza, constipation, hot skin problems
Fang Feng Tong Sheng San Category
Clear Heat and Drain Fire