Clear Heat (after midterm) Flashcards
Name the 5 Clear Organ Level Heat
after midterm
Qing Wei San Dou Chi San Long Dan Xie Gan Tang Bai Tou Weng Tang Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang
(5) Qing Wei San
- Diagnosis (s/s)
Stomach Fire
(toothache pain-head, facial swelling, fever, bad breath, dry mouth, bleeding sore gums, swollen painful tongue, lips, jaw)
[T: red, scanty p: slippery, rapid]
(5) Qing Wei San
- other herbs
- Huang Lian
- Sheng Di Huang
- Dang Gui
- Sheng Ma
- Mu Dan Pi
(4) Dou Chi San
Diagnosis- (s/s)
Heart Fire moving through Small Intestines
-(red face, thirsty for cold drinks, mouth sores maybe on tongue, vexatious heat in the chest, dark, scanty, rough & possibly painful {pinching} uirnation maybe turbid or contain blood, maybe onset or other kinds of insomnia)
(4) Dou Chi San
- herbs
Sheng Di Huang
Dan Zhu Ye
Mu Tong
Sheng Gan Cao Shao
(10) Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
- Diagnosis (s/s)
Liv/GB DH or Liv Fire
(dizziness, headache, hearing loss, bitter taste, vexation, anger, rib side pain, difficult painful urination, burning urethra, swelling of genitals & pus, foul smelling vaginal discharge, shortened menstrual cycle w/reddish purplish blood)
(10) Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Long Dan Cao Huang Qin Mu Tong Che Qian Zi Zhi Zi Ze Xie Chai Hu Dang Gui Sheng Di Huang Gan Cao
(4) Bai Tou Weng Tang
- Diagnosis (s/s)
Heat Diarrhea or Hot Dystentry d/t Heat Toxin Searing in LI & SI
(abdominal pain, tenesmus, burning anus, thirst, diarrhea with more blood than pus)
(4) Bai Tou Weng Tang
- Herbs
Bai Tou Weng
Huang Lian
Huang Bai
Qin Pi
(5) Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang
- Diagnosis (s/s)
Yin Xu with Heat Congealed in in the Nutritive Layer
night fever, morning coolness with no sweat, sweat stops as fever recedes, emaciation with no loss of appetite
Name 5 Warm the Interior Formulas
Li Zhong Wan Wu Zhu Yu Tang Si Ni Tang Xiao Jian Zhong Tang Da Jian Zheng Tang
(4) Li Zhong Wan
- Diagnosis (s/s)
Spleen Yang Xu with emphasis on Cold Dampness
(no particular thirst, nausea & vomit, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, diarrhea w/watery stool, fatigue)
(4) Li Zhong Wan
- Herbs
Gan Jiang
Ren Shen
Bai Zhu
Zhi Gan Cao
(4) Wu Zhu Yu Tang
- Diagnosis (s/s)
Jue Yin- Cold in the Liver channel, wood earth disharmony with St deficiency Cold, cold attacking middle burner
(acid reflux, vomit immediately after eating, indetermined gnawing hunger, vertex HA, dry heaves, agitation so severe want to die, diarrhea, cold hands and feet, stuffy congested epi & chest)
(4) Wu Zhu Yu Tang
- Herbs
Wu Zhu Yu
Ren Shen
Sheng Jiang
Da Zao
(3) Si Ni Tang
- Diagnosis (s/s)
Shao Yin- Heart/Kidney Yang Xu {Devastated Yang}
*considered life threatening condition
(lack of thirst, lethargy w/constant desire to sleep, averse to cold, intolerance to cold, abdominal pain & cold, extremely cold extremities, diarrhea with undigested food)
(3) Si Ni Tang
- Herbs
Sheng Fu Zi
Zhi Gan Cao
Gan Jiang
(6) Xiao Jian Zhong Tang
- Diagnosis (s/s)
Spleen Yang Xu w emphasis on deficiency & dryness
(lusterless complexion, intermittent spasmodic abdominal pain that improves with warmth & pressure, reduced appetite, dry mouth & throat, low grade fever, if thirst desire for warm drinks, palpitations, vexation, cold & sore extremities with nonspecific discomfort)
(6) Xiao Jian Zhong Tang
- Herbs
Yi Tang Gui Zhi Bai Shao Sheng Jiang Da Zao Zhi Gan Cao
(5) Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang
- Herbs
Qing Hao Bie Jia Zhi Mu Sheng Di Huang Mu Dan Pi
(4) Da Jian Zhong Tang
- Herbs
Yi Tang
Shu Jiao
Ren Shen
Gan Jiang
(4) Da Jian Zhong Tang
- Diagnosis (s/s)
Spleen Yang Xu with emphasis on Cold
(strong sensation of cold in the abdomen, vomiting to the point of being unable to eat, excruciating epigastric &abdominal pain that the patient cannot stand to have touched, borborygmus)