CLC Stage 8: Gladiatores Flashcards
Senator, senatoris m.
Nuceria, Nuceriae f.
Nuceria (The name of a city neighboring Pompeii)
Nucerinus, -a, -um
A Nucerian (Someone from Nuceria)
Amphitheatrum, amphitheatri n.
Saepe: (Adv)
Turbulentus, -a, -um
Rowdy, disorganized
Edo, edere, edidi, editum
To present, put on
Spectaculum, spectaculi n.
Sight, spectacle, show
Compleo, complēre, complevi, completum
To fill up
Tamen: (Conj)
Nevertheless, still, yet
Nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatum
To announce
Retiarius, retiarii m.
Retiarius (A gladiator who fights with a trident and net (reta))
Murmillo, murmillonis m.
Murmillo (A heavily armed gladiator)
Bestiarius, bestiarii m.
Bestiarius, or beast hunter
Vehementer: (Adv)
Eagerly, enthusiastically, vehemently
Taceo, tacēre, tacui, tacitum
To be silent