CLC Stage 26 vocabulary Flashcards
accuso, accusare, accusavi, accusatus (long a in infinitive, of course)
(1st conjugation verb)
aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatus
irregular verb (ab + fero, ferre)
take away, steal
bellum, belli, n.
second declension noun
bellum gerere (short e in the infinitive)
idiomatic phase
to wage war, campaign
cohors, cohortis, f.
3rd declension noun
cohort (a division of the Roman army)
colligo, colligere, collegi, collectus (short e in infinitive)
3rd conjugation infinitive
gather, collect
commotus, commota, commotum
2-1-2 adjective
moved, excited, upset
doceo, docere, docui, doctus (long e in infinitive)
second conjugation verb
facinus, facinoris, n.
second declension noun
falsus, falsa, falsum
2-1-2 adjective
false, dishonest
fides, fidei, f.
5th declension noun
loyalty, trustworithness
insanus, insana, insanum
2-1-2 adjective
crazy, insane
instruo, instruere, instruxi, instructus (short e in the infinitive)
3rd conjugation verb
draw up
legatus, legati, m.
2nd declension noun
misc / “other”