Classmates info Flashcards
Philip AltermanAge; relationship status; kids; pets; from; living; parents; siblings; sponsor; hobbies; education
24; single; no kids; fish (african siglets); from hackensack NJ; Lives in Charlotte; Mother is alive; Has 2 older brothers and an older sister; Davidson Sponsor; Likes music; no further education
Jessica BallentineAge; relationship status; kids; pets; from; living; parents; siblings; sponsor; hobbies; education
21; Single; no kids; Rotweiler and German Shepherd coco and izzy; from brooklyn; living in mooresville; parents are divorced; 2 brothers middle child; mooresville sponsor; netflix shopping sleeping; UNCC graduate
Hector BatistaAge; relationship status; kids; pets; from; living; parents; siblings; sponsor; hobbies; education
27; married; 2 yr old son; no pets; from NJ; Living in Charlotte;parents together; younger sister; huntersville sponsor; likes working out and sports; Went to CPCC
Darian BensonAge; relationship status; kids; pets; from; living; parents; siblings; sponsor; hobbies; education
21; relationship; no kids; German shepherd Champ; from Charlotte; living in huntersville; Parents alive and together; younger brother and sister; davidson sponsor; hunting shooting; went to CPCC
Jaleighsa BlakeneyAge; relationship status; kids; pets; from; living; parents; siblings; sponsor; hobbies; education
20; no relationship; no kids; pug named frankie; from Blakeneyville SC; lives in monroe; parents together; younger brother richard older sister des; davidson sponsor; likes reading; attending Pfeiffer university with triple major
Ben CartnerAge; relationship status; kids; pets; from; living; parents; siblings; sponsor; hobbies; education
23; engaged; fiance has son; boxer named blaze; from lincolnton; lives in lincolnton; parents together; younger sister; Lincoln county sherriffs department sponsor; likes working out and baseball; UNCC graduate
Kemuel DurrAge; relationship status; kids; pets; from; living; parents; siblings; sponsor; hobbies; education
31; no relationship; no kids; no pets; from Camp Lejeune; lives in charlotte; Mom is living father deceased; only child; davidson sponsor; like MMA and boxing; degree in biology from Garner Webb university
Martel HarrisonAge; relationship status; kids; pets; from; living; parents; siblings; sponsor; hobbies; education
20, no relationship; no kids; poodle named Valley; from Philly; lives in Monroe; parents divorced but both cops; identical twin 8 brothers 2 sisters he’s the youngest; davidson sponsor; fishing wrestling football; attended Rowan University
Amanda HindenburgAge; relationship status; kids; pets; from; living; parents; siblings; sponsor; hobbies; education
24; no relationship, 5 yr old daughter; no pets; from Northern VA; lives in Charlotte; parents together; twin brother and a younger sister; huntersville sponsor; reading working out; took CJUS classes at CPCC, has not graduated
Connor LangeAge; relationship status; kids; pets; from; living; parents; siblings; sponsor; hobbies; education
23; relationship; no kids; 2 cats sunny and shadow; born in houston; lives in charlotte; parents together; older brother; UNCC sponsor; disc golf and PC games; UNCC graduate CJUS
Erin LeeAge; relationship status; kids; pets; from; living; parents; siblings; sponsor; hobbies; education
24; relationship; no kids; 2 dogs oscar and gizmo; from indiana; lives in charlotte; parents together; younger brother; belmont sponsor; Olympic highschool BLET shadow
Collin MacDonaldAge; relationship status; kids; pets; from; living; parents; siblings; sponsor; hobbies; education
23; in a relationship; no kids; no pets; from syracuse; lives in denver; parents are together; only child; union county sponsored; lacrosse and music; couple years of community college in Syracuse
Romana MarksAge; relationship status; kids; pets; from; living; parents; siblings; sponsor; hobbies; education
30; divorced in a relationship; no kids; chihuahua “lycan”; from oregon; lives in Mint Hill; Parents together; older sister; mint hill sponsor; cleans for fun; unsure on education
Cody MartinAge; relationship status; kids; pets; from; living; parents; siblings; sponsor; hobbies; education
21; no relationship; no kids; no pets; from huntersville; living in mooresville; parents are divorced; 2 younger sisters; huntersville sponsor; workout and sleep; Some classes at CPCC
Destini McClainAge; relationship status; kids; pets; from; living; parents; siblings; sponsor; hobbies; education
27; in a relationship; 4 yr old son; pitbull named bruiser; from NJ; living in Charlotte; mother is alive; 3 brothers, she’s the 2nd oldest; davidson sponsor; playdates with her son; no further education