Classification/Positive/Negative Symptoms of Schiz Flashcards
What is a classification?
A cluster of symptoms that often appear together and are therefore thought to reflect the presence of one particular mental disorder
When did the classification of schizophrenia emerge?
Bleuler in 1911, although the identification of its symptoms dates back to 1800s when it was referred to as “dementia praecox” - absence of youth by Kraepelin
Why did Bleuler coin the term schizophrenia?
It translates to split mind, reflecting the nature of the disorder means that the mind is cut off from reality
What else was Bleuler the first to distinguish?
Positive and negative symptoms of the disorder
Definitions of positive symptoms
Presence of abnormal behaviours
Additional experiences beyond ordinary experiences
Feelings/behaviours not usually present
Definition of negative symptoms
Absence of normal behaviours
Loss of usual abilities and experiences
Lack of feelings/behaviours usually present
Positive symptoms
False sensations (perception of things that aren’t really there) Auditory- hearing voices/sounds Visual- images Olfactory- smell Tactile- touch Gustatory- taste
Positive symptoms
False beliefs (ideas about oneself that are not based on reality)
Eg delusions of persecution, where the person is paranoid that others are “out to get them”
Delusions of control
Delusions of sin/guilt
Positive symptoms
Disorganised thinking and speech
Racing thoughts and language that is hard to comprehend
Loose associations (derailment)where ideas jump from topic to topic unconnected
Negative symptoms
Poverty of speech
Reduction of verbal output
Short utterances, one word answers,repetitive content
Negative symptoms
Reduction in goal directed behaviour
Sitting in the house for hours everyday, doing nothing
Negative symptoms
Flat affect
Reduced emotional expression
Lack of facial expression
Monotone voice
Negative symptoms
Social withdrawal
Person has few friends or relationships
There are two major classification systems available to clinicians and these are manuals containing features of all identified mental disorders and guidelines for diagnosis
The diagnostic and statistical manual of psychiatric disorders DSM
The international classification of diseases (ICD)
Current version of the DSM is the DSM-V, mostly used in the USA. According to this Manuel, to be diagnosed with schizophrenia…
The individual must be experiencing at least 2 of the following
Name the four positive symptoms
- Delusions
- hallucinations
- disorganised speech
- Grossly disorganised behaviour
Number 5 is?
Negative symptoms
In addition to the 2 symptoms experienced, at least…
One of them has to be from the top three of the list
The symptoms must have been present for at least
One month
But there also must have been…
Continuous disturbance in the individuals functioning for 6 months prior to the symptoms appearing