Classification of Stars Part 2 Flashcards
What is the doppler effect?
The apparent difference between the frequency at which sound or light waves leave a source and that at which they reach an observer, caused by relative motion of the wave source to the oserver.
What happens when a wave source is travelling in the same direction as the waves?
When a wave source is travelling in the same direction as the waves, it causes the waves to compress together in front of the source therefore the frequency observed appears to increase.
What happens when a wave source is travelling in the opposite direction to the waves?
When a wave source is travelling in the opposite direction to the waves, makes the waves stretch out out behind the source, therefore the frequency observed appears to decrease.
For soundwaves:
If frequency increases, what happens to the pitch?
If frequency increases pitch increases.
Due to the doppler effect what happens to the line spectrum of a distant object when they move away from the Earth?
When a distant object is moving away from the Earth, they are moving in the opposite direction to the wave, so frequency decreases/wavelength increases, therefore the line spectrum is red-shifted.
(Red has longer wavlength than blue on visible light spectrum)
Due to the doppler effect what happens to the line spectrum of a distant object when they move towards the Earth?
When a distant object is moving towards the Earth, they are moving in the same direction as the wave, so frequency increases/wavelength decreases, therefore the line spectrum is blue-shifted.
What does the amount of red or blue shift depend?
The speed at which an object is moving away from or towards us.
The greater the velocity of an object….
…the greater the waves are red/blue-shifted.
Define recessional velocity?
The velocity at which an object is moving a way from us.
How is recessional velocity linked to the doppler effect?
When an object is moving away from us, the wavelength increases, so the object appears red-shifted to the observer.
What is the equation to calclate red-shift?
z = v/c, where v «_space;c (does not work for velocities close to c)
z = red shift (no units) v = recessional velocity (m/s) c = speed of light in a vaccuum (m/s)
How to calculate blue shift?
If v is moving away from us (recessional velocity), v > 0, so v is positive, therefore z is positive = red shifted.
If v is moving towards us, v < 0, so v is negative, therefore z is negative = blue shifted.
How else can you calculate red shift?
z = Δf/f = -Δλ/λ
z = red shift (no units) λ = wavelength (m) f = frequency (Hz) Δf = difference in emitted frequency and observed frequency (emitted - observed) Δλ = difference in emitted wavelength and observed wavelength (emitted - observed)
If frequency increases/wavelength decreases, blue shifted = negative z. If frequency decreases/wavelength increases, red shifted = positive z.
- I dont really see how both of these allow you to calculate red shift.
How is the red shift evidence for an expanding universe?
- All distant galaxies are red-shifted. They have interpreted this as the expansion of the universe/space. (not the galazies moving away from us in space).
- To distinguish this from red shift produced by moving sources through space, this is known as cosmological red shift.
Hubble was the first person to realise the universe is expanding. What was Hubble’s law?
Hubble’s law states that a galaxy’s recessional velocity is directly proportional to its distance from the Earth. It essentially states that the universe is expanding from a common starting point.
From Hubble’s law we can see that he further the galaxy…?
- The further the galaxy, the greater the red shift.
Which equation summarises Hubble’s Law?
v = Hd
v = Recessional velocity (km/s) H = Hubble's constant (65 kms⁻¹Mpc⁻¹) d = Distance (Mpc)
*If you combine z =v/c with v=Hd, remember the v in z=v/c, is in m/s wheras in V=Hd, it is given in km/s
If you plot a graph of recessional velocity against distance, what type of graph would be produced
A straight line graph though the origin (directly proprtional) with a gradient = H.
How can we calculate age of the universe?
v = Hd can be rearranged to H = v/d, if we flipped v/d to produced d/v, we have made the equation to say distance/speed and we know that this also equals time. If we flip v/d to d/v, we also have to flip H to give 1/H. Therefore 1/H = d/v = t, age of the universe. However if we are using these equations to calculate time in seconds, H, d and v have to be SI units. So H has to be converted from kms⁻¹Mpc⁻¹ to ms⁻¹m⁻¹ (SI units), so 65kms⁻¹Mpc⁻¹ –> (65x10³)/3.08x10²² = 2.1x10⁻¹⁸ = H, t = 1/2.1x10⁻¹⁸ms⁻¹m⁻¹ which gives a value in seconds equal to approx. 15 billion.
*Dividing by 3.08x10²² covnerts Mpc to m.
What does the cosmological priniciple state about the universe?
On a large scale the universe is homogenous + isotropic. This gave rise to the idea of a steady-state universe.
Define homogenous
Every part looks the same as every other part.
*Dont understand - how??
Define isotropic?
Everything looks the same in every direction - so it doesn’t have a centre.
*Dont understand
What is the current consensus about the origin of the universe?
The Big Bang Theory - The universe began from one point, a singularity that was infinitely small and infinitely hot, which then exploded, and has been expanding ever since.
Evidence for the Big Bang Theory
1) Hubble’s Law
2) Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR)
3) Abundance of Helium and Hydrogen
How is Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) evidence for the Big Bang
When the Big Bang, released high-energy radiation everywhere (gamma radiatin). As the universe expanded and cooled, following the explosion, this radiation has been red-shifted such that the wavelengths have been stretched and are now in a microwave region. The remains of this radiation is what we call Cosmological Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR), which is microwave radiation that has been detected from all directions in space.
What abundance of Helium and Hydrogen
During the early stages of the Big Bang, nuclear fusion converted hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei. However, this only lasted for a very short period of time before the universe cooled too much and nuclear fusion stopped. Approximately ¼ of all of the existing hydrogen nuclei were fused into helium, resulting in a relative abundance ratio of H:He of 3:1 and a lack of heavier elements.
What evidence may support the expanding universe but is still controversial? What energy is thought to be responsible for the expanding universe?
Dark energy
About half of the stars we observe are actually two stars that orbit a common star. Why can’t we always use a telescope to see these stars?
These stars are usually too far to be resolved telescopes (seen as two seperate objects).
About half of the stars we observe are actually two stars that orbit a common star. What is the name of this system?
Binary star systems
If we can’t use telescopes to see a binary star system, how else can we observe them?
We can use the doppler shifts of each star.
What happens to the absorption line spectra, when the two stars are moving at right angles to the observer’s line of sight? What is this arrangement known as?
Two or one absorption line present for the total binary system. The two stars are not moving away or towards us, so no doppler effect observed.
Eclipsing binary systems are when the plane of the orbit of the stars is in the line of sight from Earth to the system.
What happens to the absorption line spectra, when the two stars are moving along the observer’s line of sight? e.g. Star A and Star B, where star A is moving towards and Star B is moving away
The number of spectral line doubles. Star A is moving towards, so is blue-shifted. Star B is moving away, so red-shifted.
*If star A and B switched direction, teh opposite would be seen.
If you plotted a graph of apparent magnitude against time, for two stars in a binary system of which one is dimmer than the other, what kind of graph do you get as they orbit a common centre of mass? At each point on the graph show how the binary system is assembled and what the observer sees. Represent brighter star as biger circle, and dimmer star as smaller circle.
In your student notes (page 3), there is a graph looking at a specific star in the binary system, showing wavelength against time. Answer the question: what do you think happens to the wavelenght when the apparent magnitude drops to 3.45.
We can see that on the page before, the decrease in apparent magnitude to 3.45, is not a complete drop (only partial), so the dimmer star must be behind the brighter star, so to the observer, the stars are eclipsing, and moving at right angles to the line of sight, therefore no doppler effect is observed and wavelenegth observed is 656.28nm.
What are quasars?
Quasars are objects which have very large red shifts, suggesting they are very far away (in fact the most distant observable objects), however they are also extremely bright.
How large are quasars and what is their power output like.
Quasars are relatively small in that they are only the size of our solar system and have a large distance from Earth, however they have an extremely large power output (e.g. the power of a trillion suns but only the size of our solar system (which has one sun)). This large power output means they are extremely bright.
How can the power output of a quasar measured?
The amount of doppler shift experienced by the quasar can be used to calcualte the distance from Earth. Intesnity maybe given so then you can estimate the power output of the quasar using the inverse square law for intensity (Last topic)
What is the current census about the structure of a quasar.
A quasar is an active galactic nucleus – a supermassive black hole surrounded by a disc of matterwhich, as it falls into the black hole, causes jets of radiation to be emitted from the poles.
What are exoplanets?
Exoplanets are planets that are not within our solar system; they orbit other stars.
Why may they be difficult to detect directly?
They can be difficult to detect directly as they tend to be obscured by the light of their host stars.
They are often small and distant and orbitin gclose to the star. This makes the subtended angle very small to be resolved by a telescope.
What methods are used to detect exoplanets?
Radial velocity method
Transit method
What is the radial velocity method?
The star and planet orbit a common centre of mass, which causes tiny variations in the star’s orbit (its not just the star staying fixed in position). This causes a Doppler shift in the light received from the star. Around this center of mass, when the star is moving away from Earth, the line spectrum of the star is blue-shifted. When the star is moving towards the Earth, the line spectrum is red-shifted. This shows that there is something else near the star that is exerting a gravitational force on it – the exoplanet. The time period (T) of the planet’s orbit is equal to the time period of the Doppler shift. We can also work out the minimum mass of the exoplanet as well.
Problems with the radial method?
The star needs to move in the same line of sight as the observed. If it moves perpendciular to the line fo sight, there will not be a doppler shift.
Hwo does the transmit method work.
This measures the change in apparent magnitude as an exoplanet travels (transits) in front of the star.
As an exoplanet passes in front of the star (during its orbit), the apparent magnitude detected will decrease as it blocks out some of the star’s light. This is the only time a dip is produced (on the graph/light curve).
The larger the planet relative to the star, the greater the dip in apparent magnitude. The measurements can therefore be used to find radius of exoplanet.
*If the exoplanet is side by side or behind the star, there is no decrease or increase to detected apparent magnitude (as there is with a binary star system).
Problems with the transit method?
The chances of a planet being perfectly aligned so that it passes directly between the star and observer is extremely low. Even if it does, the the transit will only last a tiny fraction of its whole orbital period (easy to miss), so you can only use this method to confirm already observed exoplanets.
Why cant you just use it to discover an exoplanet - doesnt make sense to me?
When using the radial method when is the effect more noticeable (the tiny variations)?
The effect is most noticeable with high-mass planets since they have a greater gravitational pull on the star.`
From the light curves produced from binary star systems, how do you know that the two stars have different size.
You look at the transit time (the time taken for one star to move in front of the other star). This is represented by the width of the troughs (trough = drop in apparent magnitude) in the light curve produced. Different widths = different transit times = different sized stars.
1 solar mass equals?
2 solar masses equals?
Mass of the sun.
2 x mass of the sun.
What led to the discovery of quasars?
Quasars are strong radio wave sources.