Classification Flashcards
Regression, compute model using known data that will perform well on unknown data
Accuracy Speed Robustness Scalability Interpretability
Logistic Regression
Score(xi) = sum(wj*hj(xi))
yi = sign(Score(xi))
No compute the label, computes probability of assigning a class
P(yi = +1|xi) = 1/(1+e^(-score(xi)))
Search for the weight vector highest likelihood
Overfitting and Regularization
L1 & L2
L1: sum of absolute values l(w)-alpha||w||_1
L2; sum of squares l(w)-alpha||w||_2^2
K-fold crossvalidation
Generates k separate models
Evaluation on model performance on unknown data
Output its the evaluation, not the model
Multiclass Classification
Logistic works with two class values One versus the rest.
Categorical Attributes
One Hot encoding
Support Vector Machines
w^T + b = 0
Hyperplane that maximizes the maargin or largest y
yi(w*xi+b) >
Neural Networks
wi*xi - b
Perceptron: value of weighted sum and returns its Sign
Basically a linear classifier, decision is hyperplane
Activation function: linear (regression), sigmoid, tanh (classification)