Classification Flashcards
Auf welcher Basis wird die Klassifizierung durchgeführt?
- Business Modell
- Cashflow Criteria
Welche 4 Bewertungsvorschriften gibt es im IFRS9?
- Amortised Cost
- FVtOCI mit recycling
- FVtOCI ohne recycling
How do you classify Debt instruments?
- Business Model test or Cashflow test fail? -> FVtPL
- Business Model test and CF Test dont fail
- HtC: Am Cost #IFRS9_4_1_2
- mixed: FVtOCI with recycling #IFRS9_4_1_2A
- FV Option: FVtPL #IFRS9_4_1_5
How do you classify Derivatives?
always FVtPL #IFRS9_4_1_1
How do you classify equity instruments?
- Held for Trade yes = FVtPL #IFRS9_4_1_1
- Held for Trade no and exercise FVOCI Option –> FVtOCI without recycling ##IFRS9_5_7_5
- no option -> FVtPL
How is the Business Model Test conducted?
IFRS9_B4_1_1f iVm #IAS24
- auf Ebene des Portfolios von gemeinsam gemanageten FA vergl. Strategie
- zukünftige Strategie MGT #IFRS9_B4_1_2a
- past practise MGT
- management reporting performance (daily: trading)
- risk and management of risk: langfr. Zinsswap –> HtC
- payment of manager: FV oriented –> trading
How are Portfolios determined?
- Identify Business/reporting units
- Check if completely homogenous strategy/objectives
- subdivision until homogenous
What is business modell Held to Collect?
- no necessity to hold all assets until maturity #IFRS9_B4_1_3
- Intention to hold cannot be implied if #IFRS9_B4_1_5 / #IFRS9_B4_1_6
- Cashflow intent maximize through sale of the instrument
- portfolio managed/evaluated on FV basis
- Portfolio meets criteria “held for trading”
- Measurement
- if SPPI yes and no FV option –> Am. Cost
- otherwise: FVtPL
- Time horizon for holding
- need not holf all assets until maturity under certain conditions
- frequency, timing, volume, reason to be considered
- may sell if
- increase in credit risk #IFRS9_B4_1_3A
- sale is close to maturity (ca. 3 months) and proceeds approximate collection of remaining Cashflows #IFRS9_B4_1_3B
- infrequent sales (even if single sale significant) or frequent and insignificant #IFRS9_B4_1_3B
What is business modell mixed?
- intention
- used for portfolios of Financial Assets that ar managed to both collect cashflow and selling #IFRS9_4_1_2a
- Differentiation #IFRS9_B4_1_4B
- sales part of strategy
- greater frequency
- trading books/portfolios solely managed on FV is NOT enough
- Measurement #IFRS9_B5_7_1A
- FVtOCI with recycling if SPPI met, no use of FV Option
- otherwise FVtPL
What is business modell other?
- no specific intention #IFRS9_B4_1_5
- examples:
- financial assets held for trading
- Differentiation
- model assigned not Held for sale nor mixed
- held for trading maintained from IAS39
- residual business model
- Measurement: FVtPL
How are Business models changed?
What happens when the Financial instruments were erroneously assigned?
Restatement acc. to #IAS8_41ff
How did Standardsetter treat financial Liabilities in IFRS9 in general?
- standard setter focused on asset
- liability not linked to asset side, follows different structures and principles
- Anleihe is on passive side when Bankspeciality is happening, in praxis nearly 0
- # Klausur Basic Derivate: ZINSSWAP!
- variables Leg
- Festes Leg –> abzuzinsen mit Marktwert der Zinsen
- Leerverkäufe: Ich verkaufe Produkt zu Termin X in Zukunft zu Preis Y –> Spekulation, das Kurs sinkt
How are Financial liabilities classified?
- grds. Am. Cost
Ausnahmen: - Model Held for trading: FVtPL
- FV Option
- changes due to own credit, except mismatch -> OCI
- other FV changes -> P&L
- embedded derivatives -> separation to be checked
When are financial liabilities treated as amortised cost?
- this is standard treatment acc to IFRS9_4_2_1
- example: bond issued, loan taken out