Classification Flashcards
Gold 1 - mild
FEv1 >80
Gold 2 - moderate
FEV1 50-79
Gold 3 - Severe
FEV1 30-49
Gold 4 - Very Severe
FEV1 <30
mMRC Grade 0
Not troubled by breathlessness except with strenuous exercise
mMRC Grade 1
Troubled by shortness of breath when hurrying on the level or walking up a slight hill
mMRC Grade 2
Walks slower than people of the same age on the level because of breathlessness or stops for breath while walking at own pace on the level
mMRC Grade 3
Stops for breath after walking 100 yards (90m) or after a few minutes on the level
mMRC Grade 4
Too breathless to leave the house or breathless when dressing or undressing
Mild COPD Gold
mMRC 0-1 CAT <10
Moderate-Severe COPD Gold
mMRC >2 CAT >10
What is the BORG scale
Measurement of perceived breathlessness from 0-10 with 0 being nothing at all, 3 being Moderate, 5 being severe and 10 being very very severe
lower than 350 meters is considered abnormal and is associated with increased mortality
Acute Ventilatory Failure
Hypercania (PCO2 > 45) and acidosis (PH < 7.35)
Mild hypoxemia PaO2
PaO2 60-79 mmHg