Classical Points - Location Flashcards
Caudal rim of ear bases - dorsal midline (GV-17)
Tian-men (gate of heaven)
Cranial rim of the ear bases, midline
Da-feng-men (great wind gate)
Over the temporalis muscle 1/3rd of the way across the line between the cranial ear base to the lateral canthus of the eye
Nao-shu (brain association point)
Midpoint between the two temporal fossas at the level of eyebrows
Long-hui (meeting of dragons)
Located midway b/n the dorsal and ventral borders of the ear base in a large depression that is halfway between GB-20 and TH-17
An-shen (pacify shen)
1 cun caudal to the lateral canthus dorsal to the zygomatic arch
Tai-yang (great yang)
Nose, dorsal midline at junction of hair and non-haired
Shan-gen (mountain base)
On the lateral cervical region between the jugular vein and the transverse process of the cervical vertebrae at the junction of the upper and middle 1/3 of the jugular groove
Jian-wei (strengthen stomach)
Midpoint b/n LI-20 and BL-1
Bi-tong (nose passing)
In the depression (more prominent w/mouth open) at the caudal end of the temporomandibular joint, caudal to the masseter muscle, dorsal to the zygomatic arch and ST-7 (GB-3)
Shang-guan (upper joint)
Caudal to the masseter muscle and cranial to the temporomandibular joint (ST-7)
Xia-guan (lower joint)
Convex srface of the ear at angular vein at ear tip
Er-jian (ear tip)
Just above and below the lateral vertebral processes at the level of the intervertebral spaces of C1-C2, C2-C3, C3-C4, C4-C5, C5-C6, C6-C7, C7-T1
Jing-jia-ji (cervical hua-tuo-jia-ji)
0.5 cun lateral to GV-14
Ding-chuan (stop cough)
Between T-13-L1 on dorsal midline
Tian-ping (scale)
Between L7-S1 on dorsal midline
Bai-hui (hundred meetings)
1 cun lateral to bai-hui
Shen-shu (kidney association point)
1 cun cranial to shen-shu
Shen-peng (kidney shelf)
1 cu caudal to shen-shu
Shen-jiao (kidney corner)
Between Cd-1 and Cd-2 on dorsal midline
Wei-jie (tail vertebrae)
At the tip of tail (GV-1B)
Between the vertebral bodies from T1-L7, 0.5 cun from the midine, 1 cun medial to the inner bladder channel points
Hua-tuo-jiaji (Hua-tou’s paravertebral points)
In the pelvic sacral foramina 2 pairs of bilateral points
Er-yan (two eyes, sacral foramina)
1/3 of the way along the cranial border of the scapula from dorsal to ventral
Fei-men (lung gate)
1/3 of the way along the caudal border of the scapular from dorsal to ventral
Fei-pan (lung hugging)
Between the lateral humeral condyle and the anconeal process (opposite SI-8 on medial side)
Zhou-shu (elbow association point)
In the depression just ventral to the dorsal border of the wing of the ilium
Jian-jiao (coxa angle)
Between the digits in skin folds- 3 points on each foot (6pts TL, 6 pts PL)
Liu-feng (six raphes)