Classical Period Definitions Flashcards
Piano Concerto
Piano soloist + orchestra interact together usually in 3 or 4 movements. Piano soloist shows off his technical ability, orchestra provides harmonic support.
String Trio
A group of three instruments that play together, Violin, Viola and Cello.
Song based on a poem, sung in German as a solo with piano accompaniment where the accompaniment aims to represent the feeling or mood of the piece.
Song Cycle
Is a collection of art songs(lieder) (plural of lied) which has a recurring theme or is connected through a story. Solo singer + piano accompaniment in German.
Sonata Form
Consists of three sections within a large movement.
- Exposition-exposes 2 main contrasting themes
- Development-2 themes are developed in various keys
- Recapitulation-2 themes return in tonic key to end with a coda(tail end of piece)
Musical drama performed on stage with full lighting + props. Usually has soloists SATB and a chorus accompanied by an orchestra.
Solo song in an opera for SATB voice fully accompanied by orchestra. Shows off technical ability of soloist.
String Quartet
4 instruments perform together-2 violins, viola and cello
Piece of instrumental music heard at start of opera which contains the main themes of that opera performed by orchestra. Function of overture is to allow audience to take their seats before the opera begins but became an independent form in later years.
Large scale instrumental work performed by orchestra in 4 movements.
- Allegro, fast major key in sonata form
- Adagio, slow minor key
- Scherzo or minuet + trio
- Allegro, fast major key in rondo form.
Religious themed opera soloists SATB chorus, full orchestra, performed in church, no costumes/props/lights etc.
“to sound” is a solo instrumental piece of music. E.g. Moonlight Sonata Beethoven.
Type of form which has a recurring theme called a ritornello (meaning little return) it uses this recurring theme in between various episodes. E.g. ABACADA
Sing song speech like piece of music heard in an opera, sung by a soloist SATB before an Aria. There are two types:
(1) Recitative Secco - minimal / sparse accompaniment.
(2) Recitative Accompagnato - fully accompanied
Getting gradually quieter and dying away.
An instrumental piece of music for one or more soloists and full orchestra made up of three contrasting movements. The movements are in the order fast, slow, fast.
A section of a musical work in which a soloist plays to show off his or her technical skill. This is some times improvised and is a very artistic passage usually performed near to the end of a work such as a concerto.
A set of musical pieces considered to be one composition played by a full orchestra that were originally composed to be performed in a concert setting.
A style of singing containing a lot of high pitched notes that is very ornate. Common in operas.
Where 2 or more notes are played simultaneously but double stopping is not possible so the notes are divided between groups of players.
Con sordini/senza sordini
Play with/ without mute
Play in unison (after div. passage)
Sul Ponticello
Bring the bow near the bridge to create higher pitched notes.
Tremolo is creating a trembling effect by playing the note again and again in quick succession as semiquavers.
A vigorous light or playful composition typically comprising a movement in a symphony or sonata.
Emphasised and very loud to soft
a2 or zu2
Both instruments play all notes that follow in unison.