Classical laminate theory Flashcards
What void volume fraction is considered good enough in composites made for the aerospace industry?
Why is the transverse rule of mixtures inaccurate for calculating the transverse modulus of a composite?
Non-uniform strain distribution in the matrix.
Why is the minor Poisson’s ratio of a unidirectional composite expected to be small?
Contraction direction is fibre dominated and fibres are stiffer than matrix.
How many unique compliance coefficients are there in the compliance matrix for an orthotropic, transversely isotropic, unidirectional composite loaded in plane stress?
What sort of interaction does the composite interaction ratio quantify?
Normal shear or shear normal
Why is a unidirectional composite stiffer parallel to the fibres and less stiff (more compliant) perpendicular to the fibres?
Parallel to the fibre direction, the fibres and matrix work in
parallel - there is ‘load sharing’
Perpendicular to the fibre direction, the fibres and matrix work
in series - there is ‘deformation sharing’
A quasi isotropic lay-up sequence is isotropic how?
Why are there higher layer stresses in laminates with multiple angle plies?
Each angle contributes a smaller proportion to the whole, so stress in any given direction is higher.