Classical Greece Vocab Flashcards
Aspasia (lady)
Perikles metic partner, special exception law enacted after Perikles death to make their sons citizens of Athens
Mytilene (on Lesbos)
Main city-state on the island of Lesbos. Revolt led to debate in Athens to resolve. Harsh first decision boat sent out, second vote for leniency sent another boat. Those who revolted were saved from execution just in time. Some still were executed.
Cleon (dude)
Athenian general, spoke at Mytilene debate in Athens. Sided with killing Lesbos revolters. Won a decisive battle on Sphacteria with Demosthenes. Died at second battle of Amphipolis.
an episode of civil war within a Greek city state
Small island near Pylos. After the battle of Pylos a number of Spartans were stranded on this island. Demosthenes and Cleon attacked stranded Spartans, eventually capturing 292 soldiers after spartan surrender.
Seafaring Spartan general. Died at first battle of Amphipolis.
Athenian general. Got Peace of Nicias treaty passed which ended first half of Peloponnesian War. Stepped down after Cleon suggested he take back Pylos
Melian Dialogue
Dialogue between Athens and Melians in Melos after their revolt. Melos tried to stay neutral in the war, not contributing to Athens war efforts. Athens said “The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.
Nephew of Perikles. Raised in Perikles house. Had Socrates as a teacher. Private life got in way of political life. Was pro Sicilian expedition. After being blamed for defacing Hermes statues in Athens he defected to Sparta and served as a military advisor. Jumped back and forth between sides until eventually ostracized by Athens.
Mysteries of Demeter at Eleusis
Religious festival at Eleusis. Athenian citizens would have a procession from Athens to Eleusis each year.
Herms (god)
Messenger of the gods, escort of the dead, fertility figure. Stone statues of his head and penis in front of Athenian home. Alcibiades was blamed for defacing Hermes statues around Athens.
Deme near border of Boeotia. Fortified by Sparta to make invasions of Attica easier.
Athenian festival celebrating Dionysus with theater
City Dionysia
Athenian festival celebrating Dionysus with theater
playwright, wrote Lysistrata
play featuring women’s sex strike to end Peloponnesian War.
Persian Commander. Gave financial aid to both Sparta and Athens, played both sides.
Government of the 400
Oligarchic government installed after coup in 411 by Alcibiades. Many internal disagreements, only lasted for couple years?
government controlled by small group of people (not necessarily related)
playwright, wrote Philoctetes
Character in Philoctetes. Abandoned on Lemnos on way the Trojan War because of stinky foot wound. Had bow of Heracles.
Antagonist in Philoctetes. Asks Neoptolemos to lie to Philoctetes to get him to fight in Trojan War with bow of Heracles.
-Character in Philoctetes. Sons of Achiles. Asked by Odysseus to manipulate Philoctetes to give him his bow.
-Son of Zeus.
-Came down as demigod to convince Philoctetes to fight in the Trojan War.
-Philosopher / historian - student of Socrates
-Picked up history of Peloponnesian War where Thucydides left off.
Athenian general, lead and was victorious at battle of Aegospotami against Spartan General Lysander.
Battle of Arginusae
-Naval victory for Athens
-Storm wrecked many ships on way home
-1000ish Athenian sailors drown, leaders put to death after group trail.
Battle of Aegospotami
-Conon (Athenian) vs. Lysander (Spartan)
-Caught Spartans off guard after several days of chilling watching each other
Thirty Tyrants
-Critias was one of them.
-Forcefully voted into power at end of Peloponnesian War
-Basis of Athenian Oligarchy
Athenian general
-Philosopher featured in Plato’s dialogues
-Tried and executed for corrupting the youth and impiety
One of Socrates students, wrote Apology / Theaetetus / Phaedo, Socratic dialogues
King’s Peace
Treaty between Athens, Sparta, Corinth, and Persian Empire to end the Corinthian War. Stipulations:
-Greek city states in Asia minor go to Persia
-interdependence of other city states
-enforced guardianship by Sparta
Battle of Leuctra
-Spartan defeat by Thebans. First land battle loss for Sparta.
-Spartans led by Cleombrotus, spartan calvary noticeably inferior
Theban general who defeated Spartans on land at battle of Leuctra.
Rose up as dominant Greek state after Peloponnesian War. Where Philip I, II, Alexander I, II are from.
Philip II
Peacekeeping hostage in Thebes as boy. Learned many military strategies during time spent there. Used them later against Thebes.
Late classical orator. In one oration, The First Philipic, he got Athens to oppose Philip of Macedon, his son Alexander the Great
Battle of Chaeroneia
battle in Boeotia, central Greece, Philip II of Macedonia defeated Thebes and Athens. Partly credited victory to Philip’s 18-year-old son Alexander the Great
Hetaera accused of marrying an Athenian citizen (illegal) and falsely claiming citizenship.
-Brought to trial as more of a dispute between Apollodorus and her so called Athenian husband