Classical Era Flashcards
Years of classical era
The age of reason
Pursuit of truth, natural law
Comic opera
Everyday people and situations
Satire of pompous and incompetent aristocrats
Antecedent phrases
The beginning of a piece that sounds incomplete alone
Consequent phrases
Ending of a piece that completes entire song
Brings closure
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Born in Salzburg, Austria
Most famous musical prodigy when kid
Viennese School
School created by Beethoven, Mozart, and Haydn
Ternary form
Principle of presentation, contrast, and return
Esterházy Family
The family Haydn worked for 30 years
Considered as a musical servant
Frank Joseph Haydn
Spent life in Austria
Musical instructor and church musician
London symphonies
Symphonies Haydn composed when he traveled to London twice
Minuet and trio
A genre of music
3 sections: minuet - trio (triple meter) - minuet
Light, multiple movement compositions
For strings/small orchestra
Sonata-allegro form
Within each movement there is drama and conflict
- exposition
- development
- recapitulation
Presents main thematic material
Where music goes off
“Crazy notes” if desired
Thematic idea returns to original order
Piece at the end of a movement to show that song almost over
Length and content varies