Classical Conditioning Flashcards
What is classical conditioning?
This is the simplest form of associative learning (learning that takes place when we associate two stimuli with one another). - Discovered by Pavlov.
The process of classical conditioning
Unconditioned stimulus and a neutral stimulus are repeatedly paired. The NS eventually produces the same response as that produced by the UCS.
Conditioning takes place in 3 phases:
- Before- UCS triggers reflex response. `e.g.- salivation, anxiety, sexual arousal. Unrelated NS does not produce this response.
-During- UCS and NS are experienced contiguously (close in time, called pairing). Effect of pairing is greatest when NS occurs just before the UCS. Usually pairing has to take place many times for conditioning to occur
-After- Following pairing, NS produces the same response as the UCS. NS is now a conditioned stimulus (CS) and the response to it is called a conditioned response (CR).
For example, learning to salivate in response to a chocolate wrapper:
-Chocolate (UCS) creates salivation (UCR)
-The wrapper is a NS until it is paired with chocolate (UCS)
-After pairing, the wrapper becomes a CS and elicits a CR (salivation)
When a CS is experienced without the UCS over a period of time the CR is extinguished (the CS ceases to elicit the CR.)
Extinction has survival value because it means learning is flexible
spontaneous recovery?
When extinct responses randomly reappear, even without the pairing of the UCS and NS
Stimulus generalisation
When we have the same reaction to a stimulus similar to others that we have been conditioned to
-Pavlov which showed that dogs could be classically conditioned to salivate at the sound of a metronome
-Watson and Rayner which showed that a human baby could be classically conditioned into a fear response