Classical Canine Point Locations Flashcards
Learn the locations
Tian-men* or GV-17
“Gate of Heaven”
Caudal rim of ear base- dorsal mid-line.
Da-feng-men* or GV-21
“Great wing gate”
Cranial rim of ear bases, mid-line.
“Brain association point”
Over the temporalis muscle 1/3 of the way along the line between the cranial ear base to the lateral canthus of the eye.
“Meeting of dragons”
On the midpoint between the two temporal fossa at the level of eyebrows.
Feng-chi or GB-20
“Wind pond”
In the large depressions just caudal and lateral to the occipital protuberance and medial to the cranial edge of the wings of atlas.
“ 6-pack point”
Yi-feng or TH-17
“Wind screen”
Ventral to the ear in the depression between the mandible and the mastoid process.
“Pacify Shen”
The point is located midway between the dorsal and ventral borders of the ear base in a large depression that is halfway between GB-20 and TH-17.
(Fold ear caudally to find divot. Pull skin, insert needle vertically)
“Great Yang”
1 cun caudal to the lateral canthus dorsal to the zygomatic arch.
“Mountain base”
Nose, dorsal mid-line at the junction of hair and non-haired region.
“Strengthen stomach”
On the lateral cervical region between the jugular vein and the transverse process of the cervical vertebrae at the junction of the upper and middle 1/3 of the jugular groove.
Jing-ming or BL-1
“Bright eye”
0.1 cun dorsal to the medial canthus of the eye.
Cheng-Qi or ST-1
“Receiving tears”
Below the center of pupil, inside orbital ridge
Ying-xiang or LI-20
“Receiving fragrance”
In nasal alar fold, at the level of the widest part of nostril, 0.1 can outside the haired/non-haired border.
Bi-tong (The tongs)
“Nose passing”
Midpoint between LI-20 & BL-1
Shan-guan or GB-3
“Upper joint”
In depression at caudal end of TMJ, cadual to masseter m. & dorsal to zygomatic arch & ST-7.
Xia-guan or ST-7
“Lower joint”
Caudal to masseter m. and cranial to TMJ.
Follow zygomatic arch, ventral to arch.