classic study Flashcards
who conducted the study
loftus and palmer in 1974
what was the aim of experiment 1
to investigate the effects of post event information with leading questions on the accuracy of eye witness recall
what was the aim of experiment 2
investigate whether leading questions alter an eyewitnesses memory of an event
methodology - experiment 1
laboratory experiment
independent group design
IV - five different verbs used
DV - the estimate speed in mph
45 american students shown 7 different video clips
split into 5 groups, each with different verbs
procedure - experiment 1
“how fast were the cars going when they ______ into eachother”
given a questionaire where they:
- gave an account of what they witnessed
- answered a series of questions
- but the 1 critical question was changed
what was the mean speed estimate for “smashed”
what was the mean speed estimate for the word “collided”
what was the mean speed estimate for the word “bumped”
what was the mean speed estimate for the word “hit”
what was the mean speed estimate for the word “contacted”
methodology - experiment 2
lab experiment
independent measures design
IV - different verb used in critical question
DV - did they recall seeing broken glass
150 students split into 3 groups
procedures - experiment 2
- students shown a 1 min film with an accident lasting 4 secs
- one group asked “how fast when they hit”
- one group asked “how fast when they smashed”
- third group not asked about speed
- one week later all Ps asked 10 questions including critical question
results - experiment 2
smashed - 10.46mph
hit - 8mph
results - experiment 2
yes to broken glass
smashed - 16
hit - 7
control - 6
results - experiment 2
no to broken glass
smashed - 34
hit - 43
control - 44