Classic Presentations Flashcards
A child <2 presents with a runny nose, low grade fever, and a dry/wheezy cough. The parent reports reduced oral intake. On examination, the child is tachypnoeic, has increased work of breathing and is using accessory muscles. On auscultation you hear widespread fine inspiratory crackles and a wheeze
Bronchiolitis - most commonly caused by RSV
Child < 3 presents with hoarseness, a barking cough, stridor and progressive airway obstruction
Croup/Acute laryngotracheobronchitis
A child presents with fever, SOB, lethargy, chest recession and tachypnoea
A 6 week old baby presents with progressively worsening non-billious, projectile vomiting after feeds. The baby is otherwise well. The baby is still interested in feeding despite vomit
Pyloric stenosis
5 year old girl referred with failure to gain weight and possible weight loss.
Daily abdominal pain.
Loose stools x 4 daily.
Was completely well until ~ 1 year ago
A baby in the first few months of life is brought to clinic for excessive crying. The parents report regular episodes of inconsolable crying, most often in the afternoon/evening. The baby sometimes draws their knees up to their abdomen or arches their back when crying. They are not limp or pale
A baby in its first week of birth vomits green liquid
A child presents with a fever and retrosternal chest pain that radiates to the shoulders and neck. It is exacerbated by deep breathing, exercise, swallowing and lying flat. It is relieved by sitting forward.
A child aged 8-14 presents with abdominal pain. It began as early non-specific peri-umbilical pain which localised with time (around 24 hours) to the right iliac fossa (McBurney’s point). The patient is nauseous and pyrexical.
Child aged 2-7 presents with severe airflow obstruction/stridor, high fever, drooling and a severe sore throat
A 4 month old baby who is of a normal weight is brought to clinic for persistent vomiting. They vomit after every feed and are very irritable, especially when lying flat. When lying flat after a feed, they arch their back. They also have unexplained feeding difficulties (eg. refusing to feed, gagging, or choking)
An child presents with a puritic and erythematous rash on the flexural surfaces
Atopic eczema
A child presents with a history of wheeze, non-productive cough and breathlessness that is worse and night and early in the morning. It is made worse with exercise and cold air.
A few weeks after birth a baby is found to be failing to thrive and and become sweaty, fatigued and tachypnoeic with feeds. On auscultation, a pansystolic murmur can be heard
Ventricular septal defect
A 2-4 week old premature infant (<32 weeks gestation) who has a low birth weight (<1500g) becomes lethargic. They experience apnoea, bradycardia and temperature instability. Their stools are bloody. They begin vomiting and on examination you note abdominal distention, tenderness and hypoactive bowel sounds),
Necrotising enterocolitis
A breastfed baby who is 2-3 days old is noted to have jaundice. The baby is otherwise well. Bilirubin levels are <200μmol/l
Physiological jaundice
A newborn fails to pass meconium in the first 12-24 hours. They have signs of intestinal obstruction, including vomiting that may be bilious and abdominal distention
Meconium ileus (SI obstruction)