Classic Pastoral Quotes Flashcards
Full of a multitude of sweet and natural and long forgotten sounds
Multitude = religious connotations
Polysendeton and elongated vowel sounds allow the reader to delight in Charles and Sebastian’s sensual pleasure.
With Sebastian on a cloudless day in June, the ditches were creamy with meadowsweet and the air heavy with the scents of summer
Sibilance used emphasises the pleasure of their Arcadia and the pathetic fallacy further presents the idea of a Golden Age.
Looks at the senses of sight, touch and smell
On a sheep cropped knoll under a clump of elms we ate the strawberries and drank the wine …we lit fat Turkish cigarettes
Classic pastoral animal locates Brideshead within the genre. The ‘golden wine’ is a classical pastoral symbol and this sees Charles and Sebastian revelling in the pleasures of otium cum dignitate. It also shows Sebastian’s relationship with alcohol before his dipsomania.
At Sebastian’s approach these grey figures seemed quietly to fade into the landscape and vanish, like highland sheep into the misty heather
Firstly, Sebastian’s appearance is more flamboyant than the ‘middle course’ friends that Charles had acquired (who run the course between aesthetes and proletarian scholars). The use of sheep again locates them within the classic pastoral genre and adds a sense of innocence. Charles loses his flock and gains Sebastian.
Opened on an enclosed and enchanted garden
That enchanted palace
The idea of the garden is Edenic and shows Charles’ retreat into a prelapsarian, childish and innocent epoch in his own life.
Under the spell of Sebastian
I can see he has completely captivated you, my dear Charles.
Sebastian is captivating and magical, though this does make Charles’ narrative unreliable as he is clearly influenced by Sebastian’s nature - thus there is a bias that comes through in the text and the Golden Age presented is more flawed than Charles lets on.
Below us, half a mile distant, grey and gold amid a screen of boskage, shone the dome and columns of an old house.
Brideshead is able to mould into the landscape and cooperate with it in order to appear beautiful. The ‘grey and gold’ also hints at the mixing of urban and the pastoral and is reminiscent of Oxford’s buildings.
The altar steps had a carpet of grass green, strewn with white and gold daisies.
Man’s relationship with God is presented as being in line with the aestheticism of Waugh’s youth - the chapel is a ‘monument of art nouveau’ and the decoration of the chapel places it within the classic pastoral genre.
The windows were open to the stars and the scented air, to the indigo and silver, moonlit landscape of the valley and the sound of water falling in the fountain.
These long, sensory passages that are comprised os complex, lyrical sentences allow the reader to indulge in Charles’ Arcadian pleasure. The fountain is a constant for Charles, and its decay in the prologue signifies the decline of the aristocracy.
I believed myself very near heaven, during those languid days at Brideshead.
Man’s relationship with God is present as a theme. Makes Charles and Sebastian’s summer at Brideshead seem like a paradise (or more accurately a Golden Age). Languid also has connotations of otium cum dignitate
If it could only be like this always — always summer, always alone, the fruit always ripe, and Aloysius in a good temper
Repetition of ‘always’ elongates the sentence and mirrors how Sebastian wishes to hold onto this moment with Charles. However, by acknowledging the passage of time, Waugh shows how fleeting their youth is. Summer, ripe fruit and the teddy bear (childhood) all have ties to the classic pastoral.
Sebastian supine on the sunny seat
The sibilance emphasises his languor and his indulgence in otium cum dignitate. Makes a contrast to the presentation of Sebastian in the shadows later in the novel.
I felt a whole new system of nerves alive within me, as though the water that spurted and bubbled among its stones, was indeed a life-giving spring.
And we would leave the golden candlelight of the dining-room for the starlight outside and sit on the edge of the fountain, cooling our hands in the water and listening drunkenly to its splash and gurgle over the rocks.
Preparations had been going on for a week. My brother will be here. He’s a big part of the Agricultural Show.
I think you’d better come with me to Venice… and so we went
The fortnight at Venice passed quickly and sweetly — perhaps too sweetly; I was drowning in honey, stingless.
The garden-room became a rival to the nursery
It was touching to see the faith which everybody put in the value of a day’s hunting.
It seemed a, reminder that the world was an older, and better place than Rex knew
As Sebastian in his sharp decline seemed daily to fade and crumble, so much the more did Julia stand out clear and firm
She brought a moment of Joy, such as strikes deep to the heart on the river’s bank when the kingfisher suddenly flares across the water.
Figures passed silently, robed in white, on soft slippers or hard, bare soles; where the air was scented with cloves and incense and wood smoke
The dark water keeping pace with us, in the green shade, with the great trees towering above us and the monkeys screeching in the sunlight, high overhead among the flowers on the roof of the forest