Class Prep Flashcards
What does vociferous mean?
(adj.) talking a lot about something, usually expressing strong feelings; outspoken about something
He was very vociferous in his defence of the new law.
What does wary mean?
(adj.) cautious; careful of possible danger
What does garrulous mean?
(adj.) a garrulous person is someone who talks a lot and loudly, in social situations
What does stingy mean?
(adj., inf.) mean; unwilling to spend money
What does effusive mean?
(adj.) extravagantly demonstrative; showy
What does frugal mean?
(adj.) a frugal person is careful with money, and doesn’t waste it
What does taciturn mean?
(adj.) (of a person) reserved and uncommunicative in character
What does miserly mean?
Adjective form of miser - a mean, stingy person
What does reticent mean?
(adj.) unwilling to speak or volunteer information
What does munificent mean?
(adj.) very generous
What does tasteless mean?
(adj.) lacking in taste; aesthetically displeasing or socially offensive
What does sophisticated mean?
(adj.) (of a person, book etc) culturally refined and well-educated; (of a plan, machine etc) complex or intricate, advanced
What does risqué mean?
(adj.) (of a joke, picture etc) almost having too much sexual content to be acceptable
The host was visibly uncomfortable when his guest told a risqué joke in front of an audience containing children as well as adults
What does crude mean?
(adj.) (of a person) of unrefined tastes; lacking in manners; rude
What does premature mean?
(adj.) too early; done before the proper time. (Of a baby) born before it has developed fully, born before completing the full 9 months of pregnancy
What does monumental mean?
(adj.) very large or of great importance
What does extraneous mean?
(adj.) off-topic; not relevant to the matter under consideration
What does sporadic mean?
(adj.) happening irregularly in fits and starts/in small bursts, rather than regularly and consistently
What’s a mural?
A large painting on a wall
What is a compatriot?
A person from the same country
What does docile mean?
(adj.) calm and easy to control or teach
What does expedient mean?
(adj.) useful or helpful
What is a protagonist?
The main character of a novel or story
What does eloquent mean?
To be eloquent is to express yourself clearly and with skill
What does superfluous mean?
(adj.) extra, more than is necessary
What does infallible mean?
(adj.) incapable of making a mistake; always correct
What does bolster mean?
(v.) to strengthen or support (a point, reputation, case etc)
What does dogged mean?
(adj.) persisting in the face of adversity
What does vacillate mean?
(v.) to repeatedly change one’s opinion or position, to waver or sway