class inequalities Flashcards
social class differences are requires
social stratification is desierable and inevitable - supported by the general consensus of society
division of labour require more skills set than others - therefore more reward
Davis and moore
role allocation and performance
meritocracy - abilities determine positions
high rewards motivate people to work harder and fill out the most important roles/jobs in society.
many low paid jobs that are just as important as higher paid jobs
class demotivate individuals
stratification encourages hostility, suspicion and distrust.
New right
unequal but fair ; academic abilities and personal ambitions shape individuals success or failure not class origins.
society is meritocracy because -
- considerable upward ability from the working class
- Ability and effort determine success in the system, not class backgrounds
New right
dependency culture - welfare benefits for groups such as unemployed and lone-parent families were creating a dependancy culture
creation of an underclass - result of people being trapped at the bottom of society
studies of poor people tend to show that only a small percentage of people have that mindset described by Murray. Most people on benefits want to work and earn a decent living however they face obstacles.
bourgeoisie vs poleteriats
bourgeoisies exploit the poletariats
superstructure of society maintains capatalistic ideology and creates false class consciousness
polarization of classes
economic determinism -focus on class, ignores other inequalities like gender and ethnicity
rise of middle class Marx cannot explain the rise of the middle class.
pauperisation - working class have not gotten poorer and increase in misery leading to a revolution like marx predicted.
Revolution has not happen in industrial countries - workers are happy with how they are - modern Marxists argue they have been indoctrinated into this ideology of capitalism
neo marxist
still believe in division of ownership and non ownership in society
HOWEVER they believe capitalism has changed over time since Marx’s original analysis.
new marxist
contradictory class positions - they are exploited by the groups above them but also exploit the workers beneath them.
Webers theory
conflict theorist
Three dimensions to inequality:
- class (economic relations)
- status (perceived social standing)
- party (political influence)
social inequality is based on class, status, party - created different status groups in society some being more powerful than others. Status groups compete with one another for higher positons in society
status groups - groups of people who enjoy similar levels of status or respect in society. Status groups might be based on ethnicity, age, nationality, gender etc. and tended to share similar lifestyles
Market competition - groups and individuals compete against eachother for the rewards of society.
Goldthorpe Neo Weberian
argues the three social classes that exist in society are;
- service class (upper middle class)
- Intermediate class (lower middle class)
- working class
divided by three factors;
market situation (income and rewards)
Work situation (their work environment and control)
Status situation (the degree of status of their work)
weberian theory to criticise functionalism
society in conflict not consensus
social groups protect their position - therefore not meritocratic
some social groups are more powerful than other
weberian theory to criticise marxism
three dimensions to power not just social class
conflict can be based on other factors such as age, and ethnicity rather than just social class
more social class than bourgeoisie and proletariats - importance of middle class
women reserved army of labour
women benefit capitalism;
- free domestic labour - no cost to capitalism
- responsible for raising the future labour force at no extra cost to the capitalistic class.
feminism eval on functionalsim
inequality of social class affects individuals - inequality based on capitalism
patriarchy means women dont reach full potential - discrimination, class ceiling etc
Marxist feminists
agree mostly with marxists but argues that patriarchy is still a major form of inequality not recognized by Marx
social divisions based on class and economic difference no longer exist, people are more concerned w/ social identity and use of consumerism to forge their identity.
Society is constantly changing therefore social divisions are also constantly changing. no fixed social classes or groups as there used to be instead society is a ‘social mosiac’ of constantly shifting identities.
Pakulski and Waters
“Death of Class”
reduction on importance of class - there has been a reduction in “class clustering” or “groupness” people no longer feel that they belong to a social class as they might have done in the past.
new forms of social divisions are emerging in post modern society which are more important than class such as ethnicity, gender, age etc - these create a “social mosaic” of different groups in society
Postomdernism and functionalism
Postmodern criticize functionalism
Social groups are able to determine their own positions - lifestyle choices
social divisions not based on meritocracy but on source of identity.
postmodernist and marxist
postmodernist criticize marxism
social groups are able to determine their own positions - lifestyle choices.
Social divisions are based on lifestyles choices and identity - not social classes
conflict is no longer based on social class