Class in Education Flashcards
(Poverty/Material Factors)
Smith and Noble
Material Deprivation - Impact of poverty on furthering sucess
WC cannot afford tutor/revision guides/food
Poor housing conditions - eg: Overcrowding can make study at home difficult
Higher level of sickness in homes - impacts attendance
(Poverty/Material Factors)
Forsyth and Furlong
Material Deprivation - puts pressure on children to leave education at 16 / drop out of college / not attend university
Uni Fees - most significant factor in deterring WC from attending.
21% less attend uni since increase of fees.
(Material Factors)
Labour government introuced policies such as EMA to encourage WC into higher education.
found to have little positive effect.
(Material Factors)
Considers how external factors such as hunger and poor housing conditions could have a negative impact inside the classroom.
(Language Use)
Middle Class - taught elaborate language code / Working Class - taught restricted language code
This creates a communication barrier between WC and teacher.
Elaborated code is more suited to the demands of school work (exams/textbooks) which WC are unable to understand.
Teacher may mistake WC use of language for lack of ability and therefore expect less from the child (self fulfilling prophecy)
(Language Use)
Doesnt recognise the diversity of speech.
Some MC dont use elaborate language code and therefore face similar problems as WC.
Offers very little evidence to support points.
(Language Use)
Considers the role of curriculum as well as culture.
(Cultural Differences)
Symbolic Violence - WC culture devalued
Cultural Capital - MC perform better in education because attitudes/values/behaviour similar to teachers
Habitua - expectations of your class
(Cultural Differences)
MC parents are ‘skill choosers’ and priveleged school choosers
Use their economic and cultural capital to fet an educational advantage (educational capital)
(Cultural Differences)
Lynch - Argues that material deprivation is more important than cultural differences
Argues it is poverty that lies behind poor school performance
(Cultural Differences)
Can explain why MC occupy the best schools and why WC can disengage in education.
(Teachers attitudes, streaming and labelling)
Studied 60 teachers from chicago
‘Ideal type’ they wanted to teach, related to conduct, attitudes and appearance (similar to MC)
WC behaviour - lack of interest/motivation
(Teachers attitudes, streaming and labelling)
Schools move from mixed ability to setting & steaming
Driven by middle class parents to protect children from weak and disruptive children
‘Social Barbarism’ - seperates children from inferior pupils
(Teachers attitudes, streaming and labelling)
Diane Reay
Interviewed children as young as 10 - internalised labels and what grade they were.
Worried about the future/damaging children
(Teachers attitudes, streaming and labelling)
Blackman - Suggests students can be labelled and streamed but work hard to resist them.
Reject teacher but never education