Class II Division 1 Malocclusion Flashcards
What is the definition of Class 2 Division 1?
Lower incisal edge lies posterior to the cingulum plateau of the lower incisors.
Upper incisors are proclined or of average inclination.
Increased overjet.
What are the reasons for treating a class 2 division 1?
Risk of trauma
What size of overjet increases the risk of trauma to the upper incisors?
greater than 9mm overjet- twice as likely to suffer trauma.
What is the most common reason for a class 2 skeletal pattern?
Retrognathic mandible.
In a class 2 division 1, what skeletal class are patients?
Usually skeletal class 2, but some are class 1.
Why might the overjet have occurred?
Skeletal issues- retrognathic mandible.
Tooth inclination- proclined uppers and retroclined lowers.
Combination of both.
What are the soft tissue features of a class 2 division 1?
Incompetent lips
Lower lip trap
How can you achieve an anterior oral seal?
Lip to lip seal by activity of circus-oral musculature.
Mandible postured to allow lips to meet
Lower lip drawn up behind upper incisors.
Tongue place forwards between incisors to lower lip
What are the dental features of a class 2 division 1?
Increased overjet
Overbite varies
Can be well aligned (typical), crowded or spaced.
Drying of gingivae and exacerbation of any pre-existing gingivitis.
What habits may be associated with a class 2 division 1?
Thumb sucking.
What are the occlusal features of a digit sucking habit?
Proclined upper incisors
Retroclined lower incisors
Localised AOB or incomplete OB
Narrow upper arch +/- unilateral posterior cross bite.
What are the management options for this malocclusion?
Attempt growth modification
Tipping of teeth
Orthognathic surgery
When might you want to accept a class 2 division 1 malocclusion?
Overjet is mild
Overjet is significant but patient not unhappy
If a patient decides to accept the underlying malocclusion, what must you make them aware of?
High risk of trauma to the teeth, should be advised to get a mouthguard.
Remind the patient that fi they choose to have treatment later on in life, then their treatment options may be more limited at that point.
- no functional appliance after the growth spurt.
How might you attempt growth modification?
Headgear- try to restrain maxillary growth.
Functional appliance.