Class Differences In Achievement (external factors) Flashcards
Cultural deprivation
A nationwide study by the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (2007) found that by the age of three, children from disadvantaged backgrounds are already up to one year behind those from more privileged homes and the gap widens with age. According to cultural deprivation theorists, many working-class families fail to socialise their children adequately. These children therefore end up being ‘culturally deprived’ i.e. they lack the cultural equipment needed to do well at school (such as language, parents’ education and working-class sub-culture) and so they underachieve.
Hubbs-Tait et al (2002) found that where parents use language that challenges their children to evaluate their own understanding or abilities (e.g. ‘what do you think?’ ‘are you ready for the next step?’), cognitive performance improves. Leon Feinstein (2008) found that educated parents are more likely to use language in this way.
Less educated parents- use language in simple descriptive form.
Speech codes
Bernstein (1975) identifies differences between wc and mc, and he distinguishes between two types of speech code:
The Restricted Code: typically used by the wc, consisting of limited vocabulary, and based on the use of short, often unfinished, grammatically simple sentences. Speech is predictable and usually consists of one word or gestures instead.
The Elaborated Code: Typically used by the mc and has a wider vocabulary and is based on longer, grammatically more complex sentences. Speech is more varied and communicates abstract ideas.
Differences in speech give mc children an advantage at school and wc a disadvantage. Elaborated code used by teachers,textbooks and exams. Early socialisation with elaborated code=mc are already fluent.
Evaluation of Bernstein
Labov (1973) criticized Bernstein for alluding to the elaborated code being superior, whereas in reality working class and middle class speech are just different, it is only the cultural dominance of the elaborated code in education that makes it seem superior.
Evaluation of speech codes
Critics- Bernstein is CD theorists because he describes wc speech as inadequate. He recognises school and not just home influences kids achievement. Argues that wc pupils fail because schools fail to teach them how to use elaborated code.
Parents education- working class
Douglas (1964) found that working-class parents placed less value on education. They were therefore less ambitious for their children, gave them less encouragement and took less interest in their education. They visited schools less often and were less likely to discuss their child’s progress. Their children therefore had lower levels of motivation and achievement.
Less educated parents show harsh or inconsistent discipline that emphasises ‘doing as you’re told’ and ‘behaving yourself’. Therefore the child fails to learn independence and self-control, resulting in problems with motivation and interaction with teachers at school.
Parents education- middle class
parenting style emphasises consistent discipline and high expectations of their children. Mc are more aware of what is needed for successful education i.e. reading to their children, helping with homework etc. and will seek more help with childrearing. They also tend to encourage trips to museums and libraries.
Parents education- use of income
Better educated parents have higher incomes and spend it in ways that promotes a children success. Bernstein & Young- mc mums are more likely to buy educational toys,books & activities that encourage reasoning skills & stimulate intellectual development. Wc homes- lack these resources & children have no skills for school.
Educated parents- better understanding of nutrition and its importance in a child- buy the right foods.
The myth of cultural deprivation- Keddie
Keddie (1973) describes cultural deprivation as a ‘myth’ and sees it as a victim- blaming explanation. She dismisses the idea that failure at school can be blamed on a culturally deprived home background. She points out that a child cannot be deprived of its own culture and argues that wc children are simply culturally different, not culturally deprived.
They fail because they are put at a disadvantage by an education system that is dominated by mc values. Keddie argues that rather than seeing working- class culture as deficient, schools should recognise and build on its strengths and should challenge teachers anti- wc prejudices.
Troy a and Williams (1986)
They argue that the problem is not the child’s language but the school’s attitude towards it. Teachers have a ‘speech hierarchy’: they label middle-class speech highest, followed by working-class speech and finally black speech.
Blackstone and Mortimore (1994)
They reject the view that working-class parents are not interested in their children’s education. They say at they attend fewer parents’ evenings because they work longer hours or less regular hours, or even that they are put off by a school’s mc atmosphere, and not because they aren’t interested. They may actually want to help their child’s progress but they lack the knowledge and education to do so.
Working class subculture
Lack of parental interest in their children’s education reflects the subcultural values of the working class. Large sections of the working-class have different goals, beliefs, attitudes and values from the rest of society and this is why their children fail at school. Sugarman (1970) proposed 4 key features that act as a barrier to educational achievement in the working-class subculture.
A belief in fate – ‘whatever will be, will be’ and there is nothing you can do to change your status. Unlike the middle-class, there is no belief that you can change your own status.
Valuing being part of a group more than succeeding as an individual. Unlike the middle-class who believe that an individual should not be held back by group loyalties.
Immediate gratification
Seeking pleasure now rather than making sacrifices in order to get rewards in the future. Whereas the middle-class have the view that you make sacrifices now for greater rewards later, known as deferred gratification.