Class Differences In Achievement (external factors) Flashcards
What evidence did Basil Bernstein provide to support cultural deprivation theory?
Basil Bernstein distinguished between elaborated and restricted speech codes. W/C use restricted codes. M/C use both.
What is restricted speech? (2)
Short, grammatically simple, often unfinished sentences.
Use of particularistic meanings, tied to specific contexts.
What is elaborated speech? (2)
- Explicitly verbalises meanings, spells out relationships between things.
- Use of universalistic meanings.
Why are the working class disadvantaged in education?
Formal education is carried out in elaborated codes, so the W/C who use restricted codes are disadvantaged.
Why did Bernstein believe the elaborated code to be superior to the restricted code?
As the elaborated code allows individuals to deal with higher level concepts, develop arguments and make generalisations.
What evidence did Barry Sugarman provide to support cultural deprivation theory?
Immediate gratification
What did Barry Sugarman say about how different occupations influence our views on education?
Barry Sugarman noted that the different occupations of W/C and M/C may account for the differing attitudes towards education.
According to Barry Sugarman, why do the working class tend to seek immediate gratification?
Sugarman argued that the working class tend to lack opportunities for career progression which makes them more likely to seek immediate gratification rather than sacrificing for future reward.
According to Sugarman, why are working class children disadvantaged in education?
Sugarman argued that fatalistic attitudes and immediate gratification would be passed onto children, thus disadvantaging W/C children in education.
What are two criticisms of cultural deprivation theory?
- It seems that it isn’t just cultural deprivation but also material deprivation that explains underachievement.
- Marxists would argue that cultural deprivation theorists blame the W/C parents for the underachievement of their children whereas these parents are really the victims of an unequal society in which schools are run by the M/C for the M/C.
According to cultural deprivation theory, what are the three reasons for underachievement?
- Language.
- Parents education.
- Working class subculture.
What did Hubbs-Tait say about the use of language?
Hubbs-Tait found that parents’ use of challenging language improves cognitive performance.
What did Feinstein find out about parents’ language?
Feinstein found that educated parents are more likely to use praise.
What did Bereiter and Engelmann claim about language in W/C homes?
Bereiter and Engelmann claim that the language used in lower-class homes is deficient.
Explain three ways in which parents’ education increases the likelihood of underachievement for their children, and explain the effect of this on the child. (4).
- W/C parents place less value on education.
- W/C parents are less ambitious, use less encouragement and show less interest.
- W/C parents are less likely to discuss their children’s progress with teachers.
- W/C children had lower levels of motivation and achievement due to this.
Explain the difference between educated and less educated parents’ parenting styles.
Educated parents emphasise consistent discipline and high expectations of their children.
Less educated parents give harsh and inconsistent discipline that emphasises ‘doing as your told’ and ‘behaving yourself’. This prevents independence and self-control.
What did Douglas find about w/c parents?
Working class parents placed less value on education.
How do parents’ educational behaviours differ between educated and uneducated parents? (3)
- Educated parents are more aware of what is needed to assist their children’s educational progress.
- Educated parents are more likely to engage in behaviour such as reading to their children and helping with homework.
- Educated parents recognise the educational value of activities such as visits to museums and libraries.
What did Bernstein and Young find out about M/C mothers?
M/C mothers are more likely to buy educational toys, books and activities that encourage reasoning skills and stimulate intellectual development.
What is another way educated parents can support child development by using their income?
Educated parents have a better understanding of nutrition and its importance in child development and a higher income with which to buy more nutritious food.
What is a subculture?
A group whose attitudes and values differ from those of the mainstream culture.
What do cultural deprivation theorists argue about working-class subculture?
Large sections of the W/C have different goals, beliefs, attitudes and values from the rest of society so they fail at school.
As stated by Sugarman, what are the four key features that act as a barrier to educational achievement?
- Fatalism (‘whatever will be, will be’- nothing you can do to change your status).
- Collectivism (valuing being part of a group more than succeeding as an individual).
- Immediate gratification (seeking pleasure now rather than making sacrifices in order to get rewards in the future).
- Present-time orientation (seeing present as more important than future).